Primary 2 April Update

Primary 2 have had a very exciting month. We have been working very hard and celebrated lots and lots of successes in April.

In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. We began by making sets of items. We then learned about the multiplication sign and what it means. We are able to solve lots of multiplication problems now. We have also been sharing things equally when learning about division. We enjoyed using concrete materials in class to help us to learn more effectively. We will now move on to grouping within division. Our next topics in maths will be money, fractions and data handling.

In literacy, we are still working hard on all our sounds and common words. We have been doing lots of work with Mrs Simpson on writing sentences independently. We are getting so good at this. We have been reading lots more reading books and completing lots of activities based on our books. We must remember to read our books every night at home as this will help us lots in school. To help us become amazing listeners, we have been working hard on developing essential skills through our class novel ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’.  We love making predictions to guess what will happen next in the book. We have realised that we don’t always need bright, colourful illustrations to look at because we can just use our amazing imaginations when Mrs Simpson reads to us.

Our new topic in primary 2 is Minibeasts. We have been reading super stories about different minibeast characters and then using these stories to help us to create our own. We have really enjoyed ‘The Cautious Caterpillar’ and ‘Superworm’. We try so hard to remember our core writing targets when we write and our favourite part of the week is when we find out who our Star Writers are. We have also learned all about the life cycle of a caterpillar and can describe this cycle to others.

In April, we learned about Islam, and we investigated what happens during Ramadan and Eid. We looked at different styles of mosque and, through purposeful play challenges, we designed our own mosques in a variety of different ways. We were so proud of some of our friends in primary 1 and 2 who told us all about their prayers, traditions and described what happens when they attend mosque.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning ball skills. We have learned lots of amazing new skills such as catching, throwing, bouncing and kicking. We have also looked at road safety this month. We know this is so important because it keeps us safe outside of school.

We are looking forward to our next month in primary 2 and the adventures we will experience. We can’t wait for lots more fun and learning. Please keep an eye on Twitter for regular updates from our class.


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