Today we had the Great Banton Duck Race.
When the Biggies came back to class, rather wet, we worked on some animations in Keynote and exported them to animated gifs.

The Tallest Class in Banton Primary
Today we had the Great Banton Duck Race.
When the Biggies came back to class, rather wet, we worked on some animations in Keynote and exported them to animated gifs.
Over the last couple of days we have been learning about Vedic squares.
We started by making a times table square and then working out the digital root of each answer to get a vedic square. When the experimented with the patterns made on the squares.
Next we repeated the square using numbers on our iPads. We used conditional highlighting to make each number a different colour. We took screenshots into pages and keynote to duplicate and make symmetrical patterns.
A couple of the class decided to animating the patterns, and then we all tried. There are a few more to be finished off next week.