Banton primary school is nearly 50 years old. the old school where the bowling club is. There are 34 pupils today in Banton primary school there is a lot of little ones there is 21 and only 13 of us in the smallest class p 5-6-7.
The head teacher is Mrs McLeod there are three teacher. There are 2 cooks. There are 3 other staff in our school.
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Project Type: Banton Places
The Swan Inn
Easter Auchinrivoch farm
Easter Auchinrivoch farm is 500 years.
Mr David Young Henderson owns Auchinrivoch farm
Auchinrivoch farm is a farm with chicken, horse, cow, and sheep, and a lot of pigeons, crows.
Auchinrivoch farm had a horse stable.
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Mayfield house is in Banton and it could be one of the oldest houses in the village. The house is over 200 years old and it is quite big. The house was built in 1811 and was rebuilt in 1854 so it could of been bits of another house brought to ours. There used to be some one who lived in my house many many many years ago. They were two ladies who lived In there it was a old mother and a daughter. Our old janitor Mrs Miller’s husband’s great uncle used to live Mayfield my house 🏡.
This is part of the Banton on the Map Project. Always a work in progress.