Arty Cardboard

We had our second visit from Artist Eilidh Manson yesterday. Every one has started on a weird or wonderful piece of Art. We have mill wheels, cats up trees and giant packet of pringles, and a lot more great ideas.

The class are all now becoming increasingly independent in the MakerSpace, working safely with care.

Today in the maker space I started on making my water mill.
I filled my toilet roll with tissue but then I took it out and but a stick in then put tissue back in it.
I cut round card board and hot glued it on.


Today in the MakerSpace I made a tree and I made it into phase 2 Mr tree.
I made it in one WHOLE day.
When I cut the square on the bottom it was a bit stiff.
I wrapped even more tape to make it less fragile.


Today I made a drinkable slush made out of cardboard and I made a pop corn which I renamed peep-corn it’s called peep-corn because you can look thru a hole I learned loads of new techniques and you can drink out the slush because there’s a cup behind the cardboard.


Today in the maker space I made a swan.🦢
I have made the main body.
I have also started a slot so it can stand up.
I haven’t finished it yet but when I do it will look beautiful.
I learned that if something didn’t work try it again and if that doesn’t work leave it for later.


Today in the MakerSpace I started my art project. I started with making the roof for the first building. It was hard to do it but I kinda weaved cardboard to make it 2 times and put them together with an angle. The I added something to stop the angle from changing. Then I make 2 30x20cm parts and 2 30x30cm parts. I put them together to make a square. It got a lot better at making roofs with tiles and cutting with saws.


Today in the MakerSpace I started my art project. Im doing it with Chloe and we are going to do a tree with a cat stuck in it. We have got the base done and next week we are going to build it up then make the outside look like bark and add the branches and some flowers.


Today we were in the MakerSpace and I made a giant Pringle can.
I started by using a giant tube, then put a lid on the bottom. then made 2 small Pringles then curved them to look like Pringles, then I but some hot glue on the so they would look like a actual Pringle with all the powder things then I add all the labelling and picture of the guys face.


Stem to Steam

Yesterday we had a visit from Artist Eilidh Manson who will be working with us for the next few weeks in the MakerSpace. Putting an artistic slant on our making.

Eilidh stated by talking about how important sketch books are and show us how to make our own. We started using these straight away thinking about Banton and places and things important to the pupils.

We then headed through to the MakerSpace, to experement with cardboard and other materials. This is a warm up for next week when the children will be working on turning their own ideas into art.

We will do some more advanced projects. I know what I’m going to make. I have ideas I want to try. What I think working with Eilidh will be awesome.
My techniques I have learnt.

  1. Roll up cardboard to make a tree trunk.
  2. Scrumple up cardboard to make leaves.

I think I will do well over the next few sessions and also I think other people will do well too.
I know what I am going to make. I’m going to make the shed in the playground.
I think working with Eilidh will be fun.
I have learnt the technique stacking and I don’t really like it.


I think over the next few sessions we will start to work on the pieces of art. I think I am going to try to make a tree, I think I want to try using little pieces of wet cardboard as bark but glue it on. I think it is going to be fun working with Eilidh. A new technique I have learned is weaving cardboard.

  1. I think it’s going to be a good bunch of sessions and it will be all calm and nice.
  2. I do know what I’m going to make and it is: The Swan (the restaurant in banton)
  3. The ideas I want to try are: making textured walls and making a roof that doesn’t fall.
  4. I think it is going to be nice.
  5. I have learned how to thread cardboard and make 2 walls support a small roof.

I think we will keep on experimenting
Im going to make a slushy and you can remove the lid and replace it
I’m still thinking of ideas I want to try
I think it will be fun and entertaining
Putting your finger into the top of a bottle and it will be easier to cut it.


I am going to make the Banton mill
I think that we are going to make interesting things
I think it will be good working with Eilidih


Highlights of the Week 10 Mar 2023

The Biggies did a great job working with the primary 1 & 2s in our ‘makerspace’ this week. Last week they helped the wee one design a mythical creature and this week we got to tether to create cardboard versions. We shall makes these into 3D creatures in the next couple of weeks.

In maths we had a Scratch Challenge:

Scratch Shape Challenge

Josh did a great job, including working out how to use messaging to stop sprites deleting other sprites drawings:

We saw a different sort of shape with this triangle in the playground:

Human triangle
Is this maths?

Autumn Leaves #ourdoorlearning fun

We are going to try and get outdoors a bit more this month. Today was a beautiful clear day with only a little wind, a good day for some leaf art.

We went out and gathered leaves of different shapes and colours for the play ground. First we created designs and patterns with the leaves, thinking about colour and shape.

After that we cut leaves in half and sketched in the other half, trying to match the veins and shade and blend colours.

The class enjoyed working outdoors and identified some of the reasons:

It felt peaceful, calm and relaxed. We had better concentration. We felt free. We could sit beside different people had more choice and enjoyed working with nature.

We will be adding all of our work to the blog soon to the Art Gallery and add links from here.

Art start


This year we have been doing some art work and we made some silhouettes and we made them all different colours. Lots of us made them different kinds of flowers and they all looked really cool.

Here is a picture of the work that we have done of the flowers.
We were thinking of the different shapes and colours and how they went together. The pictures were stuck together on black card.

We did this other piece of art when Mr. Johnston gave us a flower and we had to sketch it out. We had to draw flowers while looking at them so they had more detail.

We also made a pattern of leaves thinking about the negative shapes.    image

These pieces of work are for the Banton flower show. We are going to be making one more piece of art and we will be picking out of one of them each to send to the show.

By Alex, Ellie and Luke

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