Scottish Apprenticeship Week – Vocational Education & Foundation Apprenticeships Information Sessions

In support of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 running from 7th March 2022 – 11th March 2022 the Vocational Education Team are hosting a number of information sessions on Vocational Education & Foundation Apprenticeships available throughout North Lanarkshire.  This is an excellent opportunity for pupils, parents and employers to find out more about the programmes on offer.

Each session will be tailored to specific groups to provide information on the programmes currently available, how they work, how they help young people on their career journey and how they help employers to support their future workforce needs. 

Please see below links for people to attend these insightful sessions, 

Date Time Eventbrite Link Target Audience
Tuesday 8th March 6:00pm – 7:00 pm Pupil & Parents
Thursday 10th March 2:00pm – 3:00pm External Employers
Friday 11th March 2:00pm – 3:00pm Open Session

S3 Parent’s Evening – Tuesday 8th March

S3 Parents Meeting is taking place digitally on Tuesday 8th March 22 between 4pm and 6.20pm. Details on how to login to the Groupcall Messenger are attached below and the email address that we have on file for your child has been used. To ensure that all information is up to date, a test email has been sent to all main contacts. If you did not receive this email or have an amendment to make, please use the following link to record contact information.

We are looking forward to welcoming along to our online event this evening the parents/carers of our S3 pupils.  Due to the ongoing covid restrictions, we unfortunately cannot meet in person, and we are proposing that the meeting will now happen online via our “Parents Evening Booking + Video” meeting system.

This is the fifth online Parents Evening organised and will provide an opportunity to meet the majority of your child’s teachers providing beneficial information that will allow you to support your child with their education in S3 at Cumbernauld Academy.

With regards to preparing for the meeting, I have attached a link inviting S3 parents/carers along and detailing the timeline for booking and attending. Please click on the link below.

I have placed a link to a step-by-step guide and a short video that gives instructions on how to access the online system, book time slots and meet with staff via the digital platform on the night. These links can be accessed below.

Booking Information for Parents

Video call Information for Parents


Video Call Information for Parents

We anticipate that this evening will run smoothly and to further support its success important information is listed below;


  • Teachers will be available from 4.00-6.20pm to undertake appointments. Only appointments that have been pre-booked up until 10pm on 7th March 22 can be taken.
  • Meetings will be open for up to 4 minutes at which point they will close automatically. There is a 1-minute buffer built in between appointments to allow staff and parents to prepare for their next meeting. Remember some staff teach several classes and details are provided below.
  • The video technology in use requires that participants have a web cam and microphone. This should be tested prior to the meeting starting.
  • Chrome (internet browser) is recommended for use on a laptop/PC/Tablet or smartphone as it’s best for its connectivity. Safari (internet browser) is recommended for iPhone/iPad.
  • Microsoft Teams. Zoom or any other software that may have control over your microphone/webcam should be closed before joining the parent’s evening video meeting.
  • If you encounter a grey screen where you expect a video meeting it is an indication that your device/computer cannot connect to the video meeting server. If possible, we recommend trying a different internet connection or even a different internet browser. If still unsuccessful and you have access to another device then it should be used.
When will I receive details on how to access the parents booking site? The address details for the site are given on the Parent Video Meeting Invite Letter that accompanies this post.
When will I be able to access the online site to begin booking time slots? The online site will open for bookings from 4pm on Monday 28th February 22
How long will the booking site remain open? The booking facility will close at 10pm on Monday 7th March 22
How will I gain access to the booking system? You will be required to input information that matches the information we store in our system to gain access.
How many appointments can I make? Unlimited appointments
Can I amend or cancel a booking? Once booked there is a facility to cancel or amend booking(s).
Can I use my mobile device to meet with teachers? You can access the system via PC, laptop, Tablet or mobile device.


Future Fridays 25th February

All activities are running as normal on Friday 25th February. For pupils interested in developing their IT skills, there are still spaces for the Networking college course- see Miss Small to sign up.

S2-S5 Option Process 2022-23

Over the next few weeks the Pupil Support team will be continuing to conduct option interviews with our current S2- S5 pupils. As you will be aware this is a very important time of the year for all the pupils and parents as it will not only determine courses for next session but it confirms the possible routes for gaining future qualifications and potential leaver destinations.

With this in mind and to help inform parents and pupils we have provided draft option forms for S5/6 and S3 into S4. Additionally we have provided option information booklets containing each subject available for S5/6 and for S4. These booklets detail course aims, structure and qualification levels currently and potentially on offer.

Please click on the link below to access the appropriate booklet and option form.

S5 and 6 Option Booklet Master 2022-23


S4 Into S5 Options – FAQ

S3 into S4 Option Booklet Master 2022-23

S3-S4 Draft Option-Form-2022-2023


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