Welcome to week 7 of home learning. The infants all go back to school today so let’s keep our fingers crossed that we will get back to our classroom soon too. We are starting our new topic this week, which I am really excited about. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
I will be in school this week on Wednesday to supervise the hub, so there will be no calls. There will still be lots of work to do though. Remember to share your work on Teams or upload it to your folder.
Some amazing news this week! Remember we all completed the Unicorn Fair pictures as part of our literacy work? Well those people who shared their pictures were entered into the North Ayrshire Competition and one of our pictures was chosen as a winner! The lucky person has won a signed copy of the book ‘Guardians of the Wild Unicorns’ by Lindsay Littleson, the opportunity to attend a question and answer session with Lindsay on World Book Day and some other goodies. Congratulations to Jessica!! Here is her winning picture:
Can you make sure to check ALL of your reading jobs this week please, as I am finding that lots of people are not answering the questions that I am setting for your book. The bugs are just part of your reading book. Remember that I have set you questions and activities to complete as well. Be prepared to share these on Teams or on our reading calls.
This week I have set a diagnostic assessment on SumDog spelling just to see how we are all getting on and to show me if anyone is struggling with any spelling patterns. I would like you to do this instead of your active spelling this week if you can. It should only take 20-30 minutes, maximum.
Mrs Rowan has put your work on Teams for you. Make sure you check it out. If you need me to email it to you I can do that if you would prefer. You will have a lesson with me on Monday at 12pm (we will be doing some writing so have your character and your plan handy) and then a lesson with Mrs Rowan on Tuesday at 11am (code cracker). You all have lots of books on BugClub so just let me know if you need any more.
This week is the last chance to finish off your story. Last week some of you managed to complete your stories (you have another job today) and others only managed to do your plans.
People who have only done your plan – your job this week is to write your story using your plan to help you. Remember to think about your openers, connectives and good vocabulary to uplevel your work. Make sure you have a good structure and are using paragraphs to organise your work. The ending should be a satisfactory ending and not rushed.
Now you have to assess your work against the success criteria. You can use red, amber and green or tick, wobble and cross or thumbs up, thumbs in the middle and thumbs down to mark each point.
When you have done this, I would like you to share something about your story on Teams. It may be your favourite sentence, word, opener, paragraph etc. Whatever you really like about your story.
If you have completed your story – I would like you to start by assessing your work against the success criteria (above). You can use red, amber and green or tick, wobble and cross or thumbs up, thumbs in the middle and thumbs down to mark each point.
Once you have assessed your work, you now have 2 options.
You can redraft your work. This means writing it out again and making it better. You have assessed what you think could be better so this is what I want you to do. When you write it out again I would like you to focus on VCOP. Can you reorganize your sentence so that you have a good opener? Can you add some figurative language? Does your story have a good structure and a satisfactory ending?
You can plan and write another story. I know some of you have started a series of stories and want to take your character on another adventure. Well this is your opportunity to do that. Using the planning sheet have a go at planning and writing a new story. Remember to include all the points from the success criteria.
When you have done this, I would like you to share something about your story on Teams. It may be your favourite sentence, word, opener, paragraph etc. Whatever you really like about your story.
Monday: HAM2 P45 (P1 of new booklet) – Meeting Mrs Munro at 1.30pm
Tuesday: HAM2 P46 (P2 of new booklet)
Wednesday: HAM2 P47 (P3 of new booklet)
Thursday: HAM2 P48 (P4 of new booklet) – Meeting Mrs Munro at 10am
Friday: Mental Maths Booklet – Test 1 Sections A, B and C – Meeting Mrs Munro at 11.45am for answers. (Pi – I will speak to you on our call).
Monday: Sharing (P1 of new booklet)
Tuesday: Division by Sharing (P6 of new booklet) – Meeting Mrs Munro at 10am
Wednesday: Roll and Solve Mat x 2 pages (Dividing by 2 and 5) (P2 and 3 of new booklet)
Thursday: Roll and Solve Mat x 2 pages (Dividing by 10 and mix of 2,5 and 10) (P4 and 5 of new booklet)
Friday: Mental Maths Booklet – Test 1 Sections A, B and C – Meeting Mrs Munro at 11.30am for answers.
Resilience Alphabet
I will talk over this on Monday morning and we will share our thoughts and tasks on Thursday during PAThS Kid.
Spend some time looking at the following flashcards, videos and PowerPoints teaching you some colours in a choice of languages. Pick one language that you want to learn and have a go at trying to remember all the colours. You will have an activity to do next week using your new found language so make sure you practice.