Weekly Review 13/11/20

This week we started our new topic for this term:

The Human Body

We started out by learning about our bones. This is called our skeleton. Here are some things we learned:
  • When you are a baby you are born with more than 300 bones but some of these bones fuse together and a fully grown adult will have just over 200 bones.
  • We have 27 bones in our hands. 8 in our wrists, 5 in the main part of our hands and 14 in our fingers.
  • Here are some names of our bones: metatarsals (foot bones), pelvis (hips), tibia and fibula (lower leg bones), skull (head), collar bone, spine, phalanges (toes and fingers), rib cage, femur (thigh), shoulder blades, humerus, radius and ulna (arm bones), metacarpals (hand).
  • Our skeleton has 3 main uses. These are: to keep your organs safe, to support your body and give it shape and allow movement.
We made our own skeletons and labelled them.


We have been learning about money this week. We did some converting from £ to p and vice versa in our outdoor learning this week. We also practiced what coins we need to pay for things.

We started to make some nature shops where we would sell things to our friends. We will have to use our adding skills to work out the bill and then give change. So far we have named our shops and started to price up some o our items.

We have been practicing our mental skills this week by doing multiplication grids and doubling and halving challenges.


For spelling this week we focussed on -ly openers and vocabulary. We are getting very good at thinking of better openers in our writing. 
In reading most of us started a new reading book. The Twits are reading: Charlie and Alice: Finding a friend. The Witches are reading: Double Trouble. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are reading: Moya the Luck Child. Fantastic Mr Fox is reading Big Spider.
For writing this week we continued our scary story by introducing a scary character. We thought about their appearance and their actions and movements. Next week we will add this to our first paragraph about our scary setting and then finish the story with a good ending.


In PE this week we have been playing golden river and jungle’s on fire for our warm up. We have then been learning different party dances. We have learned: Macarena, The Slosh, 5678, Superman, Cha Cha Slide, Hokey Cokey, Agadoo, YMCA and Saturday Night.


For our check in we played pictionary. We drew pictures for our friends and they had to guess what we got up to at the weekend.

Ryan was our PAThS Kid this week.

We learned about Remembrance Day by doing a reading comprehension and a powerpoint all about the importance of what the men and women did for us. We also learned about 2 of the bravest Scottish soldiers who were awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award for bravery, Joseph Watt and Robert McBeath. We then created our own poppy field with our thoughts about Remembrance Day. Did you know: Purple poppies are worn to remember the animals who fought in the war.

Black History Month

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning about Black History (A little bit later than planned). We have learned about influential black people as well as the importance of learning about black history. On Monday we created posters about 7 influential black people from history. We learned about slavery and how Glasgow was part of that. We think it is very important to learn from our history so that it is not repeated. We can’t believe this actually happened in the past.

Mrs Munro also showed us this picture on Tuesday. We had a big discussion about why it is such a powerful image. Ask us about it and who each of the women are and why it is such an empowering image.

On Monday we had a Kahoot quiz. There were round on animals, gaming, food and Disney. Elena was our winner.

In music Mrs McDougall set us a challenge of thinking of our top 5 songs. We have been thinking long and hard about this and are almost ready to share our lists with her on Tuesday. Mrs Munro is struggling to condense her list to 5.
Here is our finished bonfire art nature pictures from last week.

We also started reading a new novel for this term. We are not doing it as a novel study, we are just reading it for pleasure. Mrs Munro knows that some of us absolutely LOVE dinosaurs and Tom Fletcher. So this book was a perfect choice.