Room five have had a great first week back to school, we can tell that everyone has had a restful and enjoyable break and is ready to get back to work.
Our topic this term is Fairyland which has begun with Jack and the Beanstalk. Children enjoyed listening to the story and created story maps for their writing. We are very excited to plant some magic beans next week to hopefully grow our own beanstalks. We are still looking for some glass jars from home if you have any in your recycling.
Our sound this week was ‘ow’ as in cow. Unfortunately we are waiting for the photocopier in school to be fixed so we were unable to send home spelling lists for homework, but feel free to practise these words if you can.
owl, brown, growl, now, crown, allow
In numeracy, we have moved onto multiplication. Most of us have mastered the 2 x tables and we will be looking at the 10s and 5s next week
Finally, our class mascot has been taken home this week by Maci who has come back to school with great determination to succeed and complete all of her work. Well done, Maci!