Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

Friendship Promises


As part of our Health and Wellbeing this week, Room 5 focused on two of our school values – Respect and Friendship.

We used a tube of toothpaste to demonstrate how our words impact others. We squeezed the toothpaste out of the tube, which represented the unkind words we sometimes say. We then realised that once the toothpaste was out of the tube, we could not put it back in again. This is similar to those unkind words. Once you say them, you cannot take them back.

We then listened to a story called ‘Kindness is My Superpower’. This book was all about a little boy who was not being a good friend. He realised this when he got home and decided to be a little kinder to those around him. The next day, he then waited his turn at the park, helped around the house and also let a pupil sit beside him on the bus to school.

We then decided that for our remaining weeks in Primary 2, we would each create a ‘Friendship Promise’ which we put in a little blue box in our classroom. Each child made a promise to show our school values of Respect and Friendship to others in our class and school. The promises will remain anonymous but we will try our best to fulfil them over the coming weeks.

We shared this learning today at assembly to spread our important message to others.

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