Newton Farm Primary School and Nursery Class

May 10, 2024
by Miss Mulreany

Friendship Promises

As part of our Health and Wellbeing this week, Room 5 focused on two of our school values – Respect and Friendship. We used a tube of toothpaste to demonstrate how our words impact others. We squeezed the toothpaste out … Continue reading

May 10, 2024
by Ms Tighe

Drama in Room 18

**Blog post by Charlie & Tom **   In drama we have been learning about improvisation which is when you need to create something on the spot. The key to improvisation is to always say yes! We got given a … Continue reading

May 10, 2024
by Mrs Kelly

Room 3’s Blog.

Welcome to our blog, This week we have been learning, L, ‘We have been learning the sound ‘wh’.’ K, ‘We have been learning about dinosaurs. Velociraptors are the fastest.’ A, ‘We have been learning about counting in 10s.’ E, ‘We … Continue reading

May 10, 2024
by Mrs Ventre

Room 1

Good afternoon everyone 🙂 We have all had a lovely day in Room 1. Today we have been learning all about dinosaurs. We talked about how we know dinosaurs were real and learned all about fossils. We then had the … Continue reading

Room 21 Happenings

May 10, 2024 by Miss Napier | 0 comments

We’ve been very busy in Room 21 so here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to over the last two weeks!

We began our Natural Disasters topic by helping to plan out what we wanted to say, make, write and do for our learning. So far, we’ve learned about the earth’s layers, tectonic plates and how these can cause earthquakes and tsunamis. While we were learning about earthquakes, we had the challenge to create a structure made of cocktail sticks and marshmallows. This structure had withstand ‘violent’ shaking on a tray of jelly! This was a lot trickier than we thought but we soon realised that wider bases and creating foundations to sink into the jelly helped!

We’ve started ‘Morning Clubs’ from 9-9.30am too. This is where we get to choose which ‘zone’ to sit at each morning and take part in the activities based at that station. We were given free reign to plan out, organise and move desks and chairs into the following zones that we chose: Playdoh zone, Construction Zone, Arts & Crafts Zone, Games Zone and the ‘Anything Goes’ Zone. This table has had crocheting, knitting and Chromebooks at it so far! At these clubs we are always developing our meta-skills.

In maths, we’ve been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Most recently, we’ve been learning how to use compasses to draw circles and how to calculate the circumference of circles.

For music, we’ve been singing along to Pharrell William’s song ‘Happy’ and learning to play parts on the glockenspiel to accompany it.


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