I am writing to inform you that the FV Child’s Plan Development Group has now had its final meeting and has been disbanded.
However, I thought it might be helpful to outline updates which have been added to the practitioner pages as Version 3.1.
• Staff are reminded that the forms have accompanying separate guidance as well as mouse-overs throughout. This is to ensure that staff are clear about what information is to be included in each part of the forms. Please ensure that you read the updated guidance and use the mouse-overs. Copies of this can be found on Falkirk’s practitioner pages
• Staff are reminded that there is a separate toolkit which contains more detailed information and more specialist assessments. This too is held on Falkirk’s practitioner pages.
Please note the Clackmannanshire tool for use in relation to substance misusing parents is for any staff to use. The addition of a FV tool is only for the use of substance misuse service. Information from this specialist service/tool will then be provided to the appropriate lead professional to inform the Form 3 assessment.
• Please note there are now 4 leaflets on the practitioner pages which can be downloaded:-
- Information Sharing for Parents and Carers
- Information Sharing for Children/Young People
- Named Person Service
• Poverty is currently a Scottish Government priority as well as a local priority across Forth Valley. This issue no longer only relates to families dependent on benefits, but also to families who are in work but not paid the national living wage. The issue of finance/benefits/low wages must be covered by front-line staff in Form 3, in the section on “My Wider World”.
• If you are a member of staff using the Outcomes Framework, your score can be added to the end column of the Child’s Action Plan. Please refer to the mouse-over in that column.
• School enrolment will remain a separate process to the Child’s Plan Framework and, consequently, this paperwork has been removed from the pack.
• Form 2b should now be used by all Services/Agencies for Child Protection referrals and replaces ALL CP1s. The Child’s Plan Framework forms should then be used appropriately for the on-going CP processes.
I hope this information is helpful.
Kathy McCarroll
Head of Social Work/Chief Social Work Officer, Falkirk Council