Category: Resources

Online Safety Live


The UK Safer Internet Centre are delivering a FREE 2 hour Online Safety update on

Friday 11th October 2019, 09:30 – 12:00

Bringing the latest in Online Safety to your doorstep.

Open to all who work with children and young people, this event will give you the latest in research, legislation, technology, tools and resources along with exclusive access to the presentation and resource materials.

Also available, straight after this session – an exclusive 30min introduction to SELMA – our project tackling the problem of online hate speech by promoting mutual awareness, tolerance, and respect. We’re excited to say that we have just launched a free and extensive new resource which we want to share with you.

The extra session is not mandatory; you will be given the choice as to whether you want to stay on the day. If you are interested in hacking hate, reducing online hate speech, and improving emotional literacy for your students, this is a must-see project. We hope you can join us.

To register to attend, see the EventBrite page below:

Online Safety Live Event 11/10/2019

Falkirk Educational Psychology Service


Falkirk Educational Psychology Service have a new site which provides an overview of the work of the educational psychology service and updates as we develop our innovative, responsive, ambitious and trusted service.

There is a linked blog with materials for practitioners, available to Falkirk Glow users.

Please feel free to visit out site.

If you have any queries please email:

Quarriers Falkirk Children’s Rights Services



Quarriers Falkirk Children’s Rights are an independent service which provides advocacy and support to all care experienced children and young people and those affected by a disability or additional support needs.  For further information download our leaflet or visit our website.


Download our Falkirk Champs leaflet for information on how children and young people can be involved in shaping the future of local care services.

Focus On Your Family


The Focus on Your Family webpage from NHS Forth Valley can help you work with families and help them take small steps to become more active, eat better and feel healthier.

At the bottom of the page you will find useful links, games, apps, recipes, family monitoring worksheets, this includes.

  • Healthy Weight Calculator
  • Important First Steps
  • Family Rules Worksheet
  • Family Change Checker
  • My Daily Thinking Diary
  • Shopping List



Falkirk has been using an outcomes based approach in Children’s Services since 2012.
Following a successful pilot for those with a child protection plan this has now been developed and introduced for all looked after children and young people.

Getting It Right For Every Child provides the framework to ensure that we focus on improving outcomes for children, young people and their families based on our shared understanding of their wellbeing.

The outcomes that we talk about are centred on the individual child and young person’s own lived experiences. They should be what’s important to them and what matters in their life. These
outcomes can be measured. They are also things that we can influence and we can work towards making positive changes.

This guidance has been written to assist practitioners to understand and use a tool to identify outcomes and keep track of progress. It measures ‘distance travelled’.


CSE Snapshot Story – Bad Romance


Following on from the 2016 national awareness raising campaign on CSE , the Scottish Government, in consulatation with the National CSE Working Group and Young Scot developed and filmed a short story “Bad Romance” which was shown over the Young Scot social media Snapchat channel on 28th and 29th June 2016.

“Bad Romance” was specifically aimed at Young People (11-17 years old) and carried messages from the original awareness campaign.  In keeping with the nature of Snapchat the material was filmed and uploaded live via a number of 10 second episodes with each episode disappearing from the channel after 24 hours.

All of the episodes have now been uploaded to YouTube and are available to view at the link below:

CSE Snapchat story – “Bad Romance”

Falkirk Families Information Service


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Falkirk Families Information Service is an online directory and telephone helpline managed by Falkirk Council Children’s Services.  The Scottish Families website is funded by the Scottish Government.

The development of the service was a key priority of the Children’s Commission. A universal access point to family information continues to be a priority in the following:-

  • Scottish Government Early Years Framework
  • Falkirk Integrated Children’s Service Plan
  • Falkirk Parenting Strategy

We offer a wide range of information including family support, activities, groups, helplines, childcare services on a range of topics including Additional Support Needs, Family Support Information, Health & Wellbeing, Holiday/Leisure and Parenting.

We are here to offer universal access to information for families in Falkirk and assist practitioners in their work with families.

If you have information that would be useful for families in Falkirk, please let us know.

Please feel free to call on 01324 506632 or email

fis poster

Need Further Information?

Would your service like further information about Falkirk Families Information Service?

We have developed a short presentation for services to use which gives an outline of the service, how to use the website and what role you can play.

Your Views!!

If you would like to give your views on the type of information we should publish and the role of Falkirk Families Information Service, please feel free to download and complete the feedback form.