August Newsletter

Welcome back! It is lovely to see all pupils and parents back around school again as we start a very busy and exciting new session. I hope you all had a smooth and restful summer break – despite the weather being a little poor at times! At this time of year there are lots of pieces of information to give you and as always, if you wish to discuss any matter arising, do not hesitate to contact me.

Teacher Drop in

We understand that as your child/children progress onto their next stage in learning with new classes and teachers there may be issues that ‘crop up’ in conversation at home. This session we will be having teacher drop in sessions on 31st August, 1st September and 2nd September in order for you to raise any matters arising, or simply to talk through general concerns regarding your child. This is an optional opportunity and teachers are not ‘requesting’ to see any particular parents/carers at this stage and it will not be a report giving session. It is a chance for you to have an informal access to your child’s teacher should you feel this is needed. These sessions will run on the above dates from 3-3.45pm. Continue reading “August Newsletter”

June Newsletter

I am delighted to be bringing you my first newsletter during my time here in Royston. My name is Mrs Jane McShane and, as I’m sure you know, I have taken up the position of acting head teacher for the time being. I’m not sure of the time frame for this but I am enjoying being here very much. My background is in primary and I have been a depute head teacher for a number of years. I am very keen to get to know as many people as possible in my time here so please do come and chat with me or indeed come into school and discuss any concerns you may have.


It appears that staffing for next session is almost finalised. We will be very sad to say good bye and good luck to Mrs McGinley as she goes on to new and exciting things. We are also sad to be saying good bye and good luck to Miss Mitchell who has been allocated to Royston Primary for her probationary year. Both members of staff have worked extremely hard for the pupils and school community and we will miss them.

We are however delighted to be keeping Miss Laird who has been with us as a cover teacher. Miss Laird will be permanent to Royston Primary as of next session 2015/16.

We will also be welcoming a probationer teacher who has been allocated to the school for one year. We do not know who this person is at present but should find out very soon.

I will shortly write out to you to let you know your child’s next class teacher. We will be having a transition afternoon for all pupils on 17th June. This will be an opportunity for your child to work with their new class teacher. Continue reading “June Newsletter”

April Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer

We have finally arrived in the last term and the weeks are becoming increasingly busy as we head to the end of this school year. For some of our pupils, this will be their last term in Royston Primary and for some staff, the same situation arises, as they move on to pastures new. I’m sure that this term will be filled with many exciting things to help make great memories of Royston Primary.

Parent CouncilYour Parent Council are busy putting plans in place for a Spring/ Summer Fayre to help raise some funds for the school. The date for this is Friday 12th June. This event will take place on the afternoon, with more information coming from the Parent Council in the coming weeks. Please put this date in the calendar, allowing you to come along and support the work for your children. As mentioned in previous letters, the Parent Council have been working to make improvements to the playgrounds, both front and back. You should hopefully see some work beginning in the coming weeks for this too.

Continue reading “April Newsletter”

March Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer

Once again we are approaching the end of another busy term here in Royston Primary. With this in mind, I wanted to pass on some important information for all our parents and carers.

Parent CouncilAs mentioned previously, the Parent Council have been busy on your behalf, working in school and outside. At our recent meeting, they were able to share some information around the proposed Playground Improvements that they have been working hard to achieve. Funding is now almost in place to allow this to happen and following discussions between the company involved, the Parent Council and our Pupil Council, we hope to see this work start in the coming months. Some parents also spoke with the Parent Council about some issues around the playgrounds recently, especially in relation to scaffolding tower and its implications for playgrounds. As you can now see, the tower has been taken down and the work was completed satisfactorily. Hopefully, this will allow the playground situations to return to normal. Thanks to the parents who raised this with the Parent Council.

Parental Open Afternoon On Tuesday 31st March the children from across all the classes would like you to come in and see the hard work that has been taking place in the school in recent weeks. From 1.30 pm until 2.30 pm you are all invited to come in and find out about things such as Magic Carpets in Primary 2 or Our Community in Primary 5/4 or life as a Pirate in Primary 7, followed by teas and coffees until 3 pm. Our children and staff are busy creating learning opportunities to share with you on the day and would be delighted to see you there. Continue reading “March Newsletter”

February Newsletter

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Dear Parent/Carer

Yet another month is past and the term is well under way. There is a lot of things happening in school in the coming weeks, please keep this newsletter safe.

Parent CouncilThanks to the members of the Parent Council who were able to make the latest meeting. The members of the Council are busy working with the school for the benefit of all the children. Hopefully in the coming weeks and months things around this work will be more apparent, especially in the playgrounds.

After School Clubs Our clubs are once again proving to be very successful, with full attendances at almost all the clubs. Can I remind parents and carers that pupils who sign up for clubs are expected to be here every week. If you have to take the pupils away, can you please provide a letter/ note letting us know. This ensures that everyone is kept safe at the clubs.

Scottish Showcase A huge thank you to everyone who made both the Burns Supper and the Scottish Showcase such a great success. It was fabulous to see the confidence in all our pupils, as they sang songs, recited poetry and danced their way around the hall. The showcase events are a marvellous way to highlight the hard work of both staff and pupils, and a chance for parents and carers to share in that work.

Website – Over the past few years, we have tried to embrace the digital age and the use of Social Media such as Twitter, to keep parents and carers fully informed of life in the school. Pupils have shared their learning through the Twitter account (@RoystonPrimary) and the computing club have been blogging about their work too. With this in mind, we have changed the school website to make it easier to add things to and more accessible to more parents and carers. Please take time to visit the new site ( Part of this new site is a facility to translate letters and information into various different languages. Hopefully, this will prove to be useful in the school. Thanks also to the handful of parents, carers and grandparents who were able to come along to this year’s Internet Safety Discussion. I know from speaking with them, they found the afternoon to be very informative and well worthwhile.

Continue reading “February Newsletter”

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