Author Archives: Miss Moir

Pupil iPad Deployment

In January our pupils will have access to iPads to support their learning. This is part of a council wide programme called Connected Learning.


As part of the programme pupils in P1-5 will share 1 iPad between 5 children and pupils in P6&7 will receive their own iPad.


As part of the rollout out we are hosting parent/family information sessions on Monday the 16th of December where you can come along and learn more about what the rollout means for your child’s learning at Hyndland Primary School. There will be three information sessions throughout the day and you are invited to attend the session that suits you, the sessions will be held in the hall from 14:00-15:00, 15:30-16:30 and 17:00-18:00. Please note that due to space restrictions we are asking that a maximum of two people per family attend.


You can sign up to the session of your choice HERE


Next week pupils in P6 and P7 will also be issued with Pupil Acceptable Use agreement that they must read with their family, sign and return to thier class teacher by the end of term. Failure to return the agreement will result in them not receiving their iPads in January.


A copy of the iPad Home School agreement can be found HERE



Hyndland Headlines – November

For our Hyndland Headlines newsletter CLICK HERE

This session we are focused on improving our communication and sustainability by ensuring quality and early information about events and reducing our use of paper and single use products.  Our newsletters will be digitally available on Groupcall and Twitter as well as our website.


If you require a paper copy of our communications then please pick one up from the file box outside our School Office.

Digital Leaders

The Digital leaders help other students with their coding and Digital skills.

They teach code club with Miss Moir and we go to the Apple store to learn how to teach other children about technology.

Throughout the year they take part in different events and teach classes how to use different technology such as Sphero driving, playing in garage band, learning how to use Bluebots and lots of other exciting things!



House System

Our school uses a house system approach where children earn house points for hard work around the school.

The houses and their Captain and Vice-Captains are as follows:

AMETHYSTS   Captain:             Vice -Captain:     Junior Captain:

DIAMONDS       Captain:             Vice -Captain:     Junior Captain:

EMERALDS       Captain:            Vice -Captain:     Junior Captain:

RUBIES             Captain:              Vice-Captain:    Junior Captain:

SAPPHIRES       Captain:        Vice -Captain:    Junior Captain:

TOPAZ               Captain:              Vice -Captain:     Junior Captain:


Our Captains, Vice Captains and Junior Captains will be revealed soon!



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