We are keen to from positive and successful partnerships with parents and the wider local community. We therefore welcome parental and community involvement wherever possible and so if you would like to get in touch, please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways.
Postal Address: Hyndland Primary School, 44 Fortrose Street, Glasgow G11 5LP
Telephone: 0141 339 7207
Fax: 0141 338 6810
Main First Contact Email Addresses:
Administrative Enquiries (Edith Robertson) – ERobertson@hyndland-pri.glasgow.sch.uk
Head Teacher (Helen Brown) – headteacher@hyndland-pri.glasgow.sch.uk
P5-7 Depute Head Teacher (Julie Wynn) – JWynn@hyndland-pri.glasgow.sch.uk
P2-4 Depute Head Teacher (Stephen Frame) – SFrame@hyndland-pri.glasgow.sch.uk
P1 Principal Teacher (Kirsty Chambers) – KChambers@hyndland-pri.glasgow.sch.uk
We are really keen to make sure we can keep in touch with you all. Our main way of communicating is via Email and Xpressions (an app linked to our email and messaging system, see here to register and get the app Parent Letter – Xpressions at Hyndland). We have become aware that a number of our families are not receiving these messages – this may be due to a number of things.
Firstly, the email address we hold may be incorrect. To check this please
(a) call the school to check this on 0141 339 7207 or
(b) you can email our dedicated Home Learning email address and a member of the Senior Leadership Team will get back to you within 48 hours. See below –
Secondly, it may be that our emails are going to your spam/junk folder. Please add this code to your ‘contacts’ as this is us! – 06EC074@groupcallalert.com
If you are worried you are not receiving emails, please get in touch. In the meantime, we are doing our best to work through all the families we are aware of. Check the website regularly as we are posting here weekly under the ‘Home Learning’ tab at the top.