Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting (RSHP)

Each school year pupils participate in lessons relating to Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education (RSHP). This programme of study has been in place for a number of years now and is supported by a national resource available here –

Previously, parents and carers have told us that they would find it helpful if they knew when these lessons were going to be taught in school. This way they could ask their children about the topics covered and/or be prepared for any questions that may come up as a result.

You can view all the materials here –

For P1 Lessons:   navigate to EARLY LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, lessons appear down the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P2 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to FIRST LEVEL To Begin lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P3 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to FIRST LEVEL Progression 1 lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P4 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to FIRST LEVEL Progression 2 lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P5 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to SECOND LEVEL To Begin lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P6 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to SECOND LEVEL Progression 1 lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

For P7 Lessons:  navigate to FIRST LEVEL via the LEVELS tab at the top, proceed to SECOND LEVEL Progression 2 lessons on the right hand side of the screen.  Click on the lesson titles to view the materials.

There is also a parent and carer information page available in a number of languages here too.

School staff will inform you before they begin these lessons via email and Seesaw messages.

If you would like more information, or to discuss any aspect, please contact Ms Chambers via the school office or email (, to arrange a call back.  If you feel that you require further information or advice about any issues regarding talking to your children about growing up, relationships, puberty etc we would encourage you to look up the TALK 2 project website at


You can also find a copy of the information letters which have come home, so far, here:

P5 RSHP Letter 24 25

P6 RSHP Letter 24 25