WILDHEARTS Global Youth Summit
Join in with the Opening Ceremony on Monday 1st November at 6.30pm to hear Cel Spellman and many other inspiring speakers discuss the innovative and important views of young people across the globe, on Climate Change.
Details below –
Find out more here …. https://www.wildheartsgroup.com/event/cop26/
and here …
WILDHEARTS Youth Ambassadors will introduce an incredible speaker line up, including;
- Cel Spellman – WWF Ambassador, Actor and Presenter
- Antonio Hautle from the United Nations Global Compact
Join us to discover how you can play your part in making the world a fairer, more sustainable place. Access the event using the details below: Please click this URL to join:
Passcode: 954231
Hashtag to use during the event: Please use #WildHeartsCOP26 on social media, so you can share your own takeaways and contributions to the event.
Please note, some classes may watch the recording later in the week, and get involved in workshops and in other ways …. but we wanted to offer you the chance to join in ‘live’ too, from your homes if you wish to. Most likely, it will be more suitable for P4 upwards.
Let us know if you join in, and what you think … @HyndlandPS on Twitter