P1 New Entrant Tours – August 2025 Start – October & November 2024
Please click the link below to see details of our brief tours for New P1 Entrants who are due to start school in August 2025. Please book your place via the QR code.
P1 Enrolment Week
Below is information about P1 Enrolment for the School Session 24-25 (children beginning school in August 2025). All enrolment is handled centrally by Glasgow City Council.
Please click the link below for the full poster –
P1 Enrolment Poster for schools 2025
You can check if you are in our catchment by following this link.
If you would like your child to attend Hyndland Primary School BUT you are NOT living in our catchment area, you can submit a PLACING REQUEST. However, before you do this you MUST register to enrol at YOUR CATCHMENT SCHOOL.
Similarly, if you would like to defer your child, but they are due to start school in August, you must register to enrol at your catchment school alongside your deferral application.
Follow this link for the online form to register and enrol your P1 child, beginning in August 2025. Please note, the form does not go live until Enrolment Week (4th – 8th November).
If you are in our catchment, or thinking about applying for a placing request, there is further information below about Starting School in Hyndland Primary.
NURSERY – P1 Transition
Usually we meet the new P1 cohort at our first induction event in mid to late May; and many before that through our Nursery visits in the New Year. Over the last 2 years, this has not been possible due to the pandemic restrictions in place. We are very hopeful these will ease, and this will resume soon (and in time for next year’s P1 starts).
Last year we offered socially-distanced face to face visits in small groups for our new P1 pupils with a parent/carer in June. These visits provided the opportunity for parents/carers and children to meet key staff in the P1 classroom, to get a feel for the school, and to ask any further questions they had.
For just now, we hope our online resources go some way towards helping prepare and familiarise your family with the school and what to expect in P1. We have included:
- A general presentation about Hyndland Primary School
- A child-friendly presentation for you to share with your child(ren) at home to give them a first insight into what they can expect to see and do in Hyndland Primary.
- A virtual tour video from some of our very own Hyndland P1 and P7 pupils to show you and your child(ren) around.
- Some questions that were selected by our current P1 parents and carers that they felt would be helpful for us to answer for you as our new P1 parents/carers.
- Some testimonials from our current P1 parents and carers about their experience of what it has been like to become part of the Hyndland Primary community and what the highlights have been for them and their children.
We hope the content of the web page below goes some way towards providing an insight into our school and a ‘feel’ for our nurturing ethos, our shared values and what our team can provide to young people and families.
Welcome to Hyndland Primary!
If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the email address below. There is also information about the enrolment process below.
gw09chamberskirsty2@glow.sch.uk gw08framestephen2@glow.sch.uk
Kirsty Chambers, Principal Teacher (P1 Lead) Stephen Frame, Depute Head Teacher (Infants)
Watch LAST YEAR’s welcome video below from Mr Frame.
Click here to watch the video.
Helpful Presentations
Please click the link below to view a general presentation about Hyndland Primary School.
Please click the link below to view a presentation for you to share with your child(ren) to give them a first insight into what they can expect to see and do in Hyndland Primary.
Virtual Tour
As we are unable to invite families into our school for a tour just now some of our helpful Primary 1 and Primary 7 pupils have created a virtual tour video to help you get to know the school building. The video file is quite large in size and may take a few moments to start playing.
Click here to see a day at Hyndland
Parent Testimonials
Some of our parents who have children in Primary 1 have kindly recorded some helpful videos for families about enrolling at Hyndland and their experiences so far. Click the links below to watch them, they will open in a new tab. The video files are quite large in size and may take a few moments to start playing.
Parent Testimonial
“My little girl and I with the other children and parents went for two visits to Hyndland primary before she started school.
The first visit was with Mr. Frame who was very approachable and gave parents lots of time to ask questions. Mr. Frame then gave us a tour of the parts of the school the primary 1’s would be using. We were given a lot of useful information about the school. I felt very happy with the visit and I asked quite a few questions which were all answered in detail.
On our second visit, we were taken into the primary 1 class my little girl would be in. It was really nice meeting my little girl’s future teacher and the other teachers too. Mr. Frame was there and explained how the staff would support parents and the children during the COVID-19 pandemic. The structure of the school day was discussed and parents were given time to ask any questions. I felt more confident and reassured after these discussions.
We were also e-mailed videos of on-line school tours which my little girl enjoyed watching and lots more information.
All in all the school visits, videos and e-mail information was invaluable for parents and children.
It was all very positive and a big thank you to all the staff!”
Any Further Queries…
In the link below you will find some frequently asked questions.
If you have any other further queries about enrolling at Hyndland Primary School you can get in touch via email at hyndlandenrolment@glow.sch.uk
We look forward to meeting you soon!