Young Artists Summer Showcase 2023

We have registered our school for the Royal Academy Young Artists Summer Showcase again this year.

If you would like to submit an entry (ONE per pupil allowed this year), please do one of 2 things:

  1. Parents can register you here, and upload your work via the link below –

2. You can bring your work into school with a permission form and we will upload it in school.  Permission forms are available from outside Ms Chambers’ room, or you can download below.  If you are submitting this way – please note, entries musty be with Ms Chambers before WEDNESDAY 22nd MARCH in order to make sure they are entered on time.

What Can I Submit?

Almost anything! There is NO THEME, and it is open to everyone in our school as well as many others who have registered across the UK. You can use any media you like – drawings, paintings, prints,
photographs, sculptures, textiles, videos and performances are all accepted.
It does not have to be something you have just done, you can submit a previously created piece as long as you were aged between 4-19 when you did it).  You can even submit collaborative pieces (art you have made with others as a team).

Judges are looking for originality, imagination and skill.  Whilst existing great artists inspire us all, it is best not to copy their work closely, for this exhibition.

You need:

  • a good photograph of your artwork (hints on how to do this are below)
  • a wee ‘blurb’ about what inspired you or led you to create it and what media you used
  • permission from your parent/guardian.

Here are some useful documents to help.


… and the link below may answer some questions you may have –

You can look at last year’s exhibits, from across the UK here –

… and look on the pupil tab for entries from 2 years ago, from your talented friends right here in Hyndland Primary.

PLEASE send Ms Chambers a photo and title for your entry as well, so we can create another Hyndland Primary Virtual Art Gallery this year too.

Ms Chambers email address –

Good luck & have lots of fun!