Please see attached below a letter to families regarding Parent Pay and Parent Portal.
Please see attached below a letter to families regarding Parent Pay and Parent Portal.
We have had a busy, fun and exciting week celebrating Book Week Scotland! Thank you to all of our Reading Ambassadors, from P1-7, who shared wonderful and creative ideas for ways in which we could celebrate this week.
Hyndland’s Favourite Favourite Scottish Picture Book
Each class from P1-7 read ‘Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted’, ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’, Phantom the ginger mog an the Dreamy Pie Pauchle’ and ‘There was a Wee Lassie who Swallowed a Midge’. Pupils voted today for their favourite book and the winner with 166 votes was… ‘There was a Wee Lassie who Swallowed a Midge’.
Scavenger Hunt
On Wednesday the P7a Reading Ambassadors organised a P1-3 and P4-7 Scavenger Hunt. This involved pupils finding pictures of books in the playground, answers questions and collecting letters each time they got the answer correct. They then had to unscramble the letters to make a title of a book. P1-3’s answer was Dogman and P4-7’s was The Wonder Brothers.
We had 1 winner from each stage who each got to choose a book of their choice as a prize.
Well done to P7a for fantastic leadership and organisation skills!
Second-hand Book Fair
P7b Reading Ambassadors organised a second-hand book fair, which went down a treat! Thank you for all of your kind book donations; our pupils were spoiled for choice! Each class visited and our Reading Ambassadors across the school were kept busy organising and selling books. Well done for your super organisation, leadership and entrepreneurial skills, P7b Reading Ambassadors!
Dress up!
It is wonderful to see so many pupils in costume, reading or in their casual clothes today, reading away!
Thank you for all of your support with our activities this week. The Reading Ambassadors have worked very hard to make it a fun and enjoyable week for all. We are very pleased to announce that we have raised £435.63! All money raised will go towards our Library Development Funds, helping us to purchase new shelving, soft furnishings, lighting, as well as continuing to purchase new books for the space.
Dear families, please see attached a letter from the Director of Education regarding proposed strike days in November which will result in school closures.
This month our Reading Ambassadors have recommended books with the theme of Fantasy and Roald Dahl.
Click the links below to see some of their recommendations.
Dear families, please see attached a letter from the Director of Education regarding proposed strike days in September which will result in school closures.
Our wonderful Reading Ambassadors and Miss Liveston have been gathering in our nature and environment themed reading recommendations.
They have created a presentation with ideas for each stage which we hope you will enjoy. Feel free to share you reading them on Seesaw!
This year, we will be celebrating World Book Day at Hyndland Primary. The official date is Thursday 2nd March, however, we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 3rd March.
The Reading Ambassadors have been busy creating a range of whole school and in class activities that pupils all can take part in on the day. We aim for this day to be filled with reading themed activities, linking lessons to novels or characters, as well as using the resources and activities that the Reading Ambassadors have created.
Whole School activities:
– Dressing up – all pupils are encouraged to dress up as a book character, a word or come to school in their PJs/onesies so that they are comfy when they are reading.
-Whole School paired reading event – Children from different stages will meet together on Friday from 11:30-12:00pm to share stories, books and read together.
-Stories from around the world – Can we travel the world on World Book Day? Children are encouraged to bring in a book from home which take place in a different part of the world. This book could be in their home language/from their home country or could be a book they have enjoyed that has taken place somewhere else in the world. The P7 Reading Ambassadors will collect the data and put a dot on a large map, showing where they book has allowed us to travel to.
-World Book Day parties – pupils will celebrate in class.
-Green Screen – a bit of fundraising on the day! Children and staff can pay 20p to put themselves on the cover of a book cover, for example with Harry, Hermione and Ron on a Harry Potter front cover. Photos will be uploaded to Seesaw. Choices of book covers will be made available to pupils before the big day!
Many thanks,
Miss Liveston and the Reading Ambassadors
Our wonderful Reading Ambassadors and Miss Liveston have been gathering in our ‘Out of this World!’ reading recommendations.
They have created a presentation with ideas for each stage which we hope you will enjoy. Feel free to share you reading them on Seesaw!
Good afternoon Hyndland families
Unfortunately next week due to essential extensive works in the schoolkitchen linked to our boiler refurbishment, our team will be unable to use gas to prepare food on site.
Our area catering manager has made arrangements for soup, fruit, yoghurts and packed lunches for pupils to be available from Monday 16th (if planned industrial action does not go ahead) until Thursday 19th January.
We are sorry for any inconvenience and disruption to provision, but the procedures are crucial to the wider school works being completed within the CBG schedule.
For the four days next week lunch orders will be taken in the classroom as the menus will not match the online system.
Many thanks
Hyndland team
Our wonderful Reading Ambassadors and Miss Liveston have been gathering in our winter book recommendations.
They have created a presentation with ideas for each stage which we hope you will enjoy. Feel free to share you reading them on Seesaw!
P1 Winter Book Recommendations
P2-4 Winter Book Recommendations
P5-7 Winter Book Recommendations
Happy Reading!