Our School is part of the Car Free Zone on Fortrose Street on weekdays, during term time within the periods 8:30 – 9:15 am and 2:45 – 3:30pm. This is part of Glasgow City Council Traffic Regulation Order.
Most traffic will NOT be permitted to move in Fortrose Street during the periods detailed above. This includes parents and families dropping off and collecting pupils. We kindly request the compliance and goodwill of our community in adhering to these measures to improve the health and safety of everyone.
Please note, exemptions apply for Blue Badge Holders, emergency and primary care vehicles as well as residents with permits for vehicles. These vehicles and some others will be allowed to park and move within the stated times. However, the measures should greatly reduce traffic around the school gate and encourage healthier and more environmentally friendly journeys to school. We encourage everyone to show understanding, kindness and respect for each other and the rules, as we all adjust to the new measures.
Further information, FAQs, and for an opportunity to feedback your views, please follow the link below.