To encourage the children to get into coding we will be doing mini activities throughout the week. If you wish to do some at home then there are some websites we would recommend using.
- Scratch Junior – Scratch Junior is an app that younger children can use to help them to start coding (
- Box Island – Box Island is an app available on Apple devices and is great for infant children starting to code. It focuses on directional instructions as a start to coding.
- Scratch -All of the children in P5-7 have all used Scratch before. They do not need a login if they just wish to play around on different games however if they wish to save their work they will need to sign up using an email address. (
- Code Club –You can access instructions for Scratch and other programming languages that the children can follow as they are working on Scratch etc. It’s really visual and P5-7 will have used the website before to help them with Scratch projects. But feel free to challenge them with other programming languages! (
- Hour of Code – They have resources for coding for all ages, they can be filtered by ages and by what technology you have available at home. (
Happy National Coding Week!