Future Pathways- S6 and Life Beyond Hillhead High
Future Pathways- S6 and Life Beyond Hillhead High
If your teacher has recommended that you use Scholar, click here for some useful information on the program! https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/er/Williamwood/files/2011/01/SCHOLAR-Parent-lflt_8.pdf
Work Experience
Work Experience
We have made some changes to our work experience programme in line with national guidelines. Please see the attached letter which we have sent home to parents and carers of pupils in S4, S5 and S6.
Winter Fayre!
S5 Prelim Timetable
Please find attached the S5 Prelim Timetable.
2019 November S5 Prelims final
Please contact the school/ Mr Neil if there are any individual clashes of exams. Supported Study will continue to run for the next two weeks. Good luck to all S5 pupils!
Mental Health Week
Mental Health Week:
Monday, October 7th- Friday, October 11th
Next week, a number of activities and lessons will focus on Mental Health & Well-Being. Click here for the timetable: Mental Health Week 2019
Thursday is World Mental Health Day, and pupils are invited to wear something yellow with their school uniform (jumper, t-shirt etc). The S6 Leadership Team will be distributing free yellow stickers to those who wish to wear them in order to raise awareness. There will be an opportunity to make a small donation for this important cause with all donations going to the charity SAMH. You can find out more about their work here: https://www.samh.org.uk/
Extra-Curricular Timetable
Our 2019-2020 Extra-Curricular Timetable is now available here:
Extra Curricular Timetable 2019 2020 Version 2
S5 Supported Study Timetable
S5 Supported Study begins this week and will run for 6 weeks leading up to the S5 Prelims which begin November 11th. A letter and timetable was distributed during assembly on Friday, but is also available in the office.
Click here to see the timetable: Supported Study Oct Calendar – Copy
For tips on how to study for each subject, please refer to our Senior Phase Study Materials & Advice Booklet here: senior phase study materials and advice final4
Don’t forget to check out our Study Skills Blog: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/glowblogs/hillheadstudyskills/
Inspiration Award from the First Minister’s Reading Challenge
We are so proud to have received a Highly Commended Reading Inspiration Award from the First Minister’s Reading Challenge!
On Monday we received this exciting recognition during the FMRC event at The Hilton in Glasgow. We took our 10 Literacy Leaders to showcase our reading journey and by request, a “pop up book bar!” We cannot wait to continue our Reading Challenge journey and our focus of Mental Health and Well-Being.