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Pathways Information Evening

Thank you to everyone who attended our Pathways Information Evening on Tuesday 5th of October. We would also like to thank all of our partners who attended the meeting and delivered presentations. The presentations are available below, as well as links to our partners websites and social media channels. If you would like any more information please contact Mr Richardson-


Mr Richardson’s Presentation

Virtual Work Experience

Foundation Apprenticeships Glasgow

Foundation Apprenticeship Glasgow Twitter

Career Ready

Career Ready Twitter

Glasgow Clyde College

Glasgow Clyde College Twitter

Glasgow Clyde College – School Event ( HillHead)

Skills Development Scotland

Skills Development Scotland Twitter

SDS Pathways

Towards Better Futures

Towards Better Futures – School Presentation

S1 SDS Information Evening

Introduction to Skills Development Scotland (SDS) for parents and carers of S1 pupils-  Wednesday 29 September 2021


Want to know more about SDS career information, advice and guidance support for your young person throughout their time at school? Join our careers advisers Lesley and Gordon to hear about SDS, the role of SDS careers advisers in schools and information to support career planning.  The online session will also introduce our careers web service My World of Work, which has a dedicated area for parents and carers.

Parents and carers can register for our session here


Parental Update 17.09.21

Dear Parent/Carer,

This week’s newsletter has been sent out to you via our school app and / or email. You can also click on the link below to access it.

parental update 17.09.21

Earlier today a copy of a letter from Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director was also sent out to you and this is linked below.

Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director 16 September 2021

S6 Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions

As part of our S6 Induction we are giving every pupil in S6 the opportunity to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Pupils received expedition training prior to the summer break and they should now be working on their Physical, Skill and Volunteering sections of the award.

Starting this Wednesday the 1st of September, we will be running walking expeditions for our pupils. Pupils will be informed of the dates of their expeditions and given consent forms in advance.

Each expedition will consist of 2 day walks of about 10-12km each day. The walks will start and finish at the school and pupils will return home each evening. Pupils should wear comfortable clothing a footwear, including layers to protect from the cold and waterproofs in case of rain. The school has a large collection of equipment that is available to borrow, please contact Mr Richardson or Mr Gillespie if you require any kit.

Pupils also have to cook a meal as part of their expedition, please bring a meal that can be cooked on a camp stove, for example fresh pasta, noodles etc. Pupils have been given examples of meals.


Expeditions will leave the school at 9am so pupils should arrive at 8.15 on the day of their expedition to prepare.

The expedition dates are;


Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd September

Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th September

Further expeditions TBC

S5- Career Ready Application Now Open

Applications are now open for the Career Ready programme. Through this programme you will have the following opportunities;
  • Paired with a mentor from the world of work who you will meet about 5 times in S5 and 5 times in S6.
  • 6 Masterclasses in S5 and 6 Masterclasses in S6 where you will learn lots of usual information and gain important skills to prepare you for the world of work.
  • Complete a 4 week paid internship in industry
  • Gain an incredible experience that will look fantastic on applications forms for university, college or employment.
  • The available work places are varied and come from a variety of industries- please see career ready website for more.
If you would like more information, please see here-
If you need any other information please let me know,
Mr Richardson.