Category Archives: S2

S2 Parents Evening – Tues 1st February

Our S2 Parents Evening will take place via telephone calls on Tuesday the 1st February from 4.15pm until 6:45pm.

We will use our online booking system to allow parents to book appointments with the teachers they would like to speak to.

Please see our attached guide which has details on how to use the system to make appointments. Booking will open on Monday 24th January  close on Friday 28th of January at 3.00pm.

S2-Telephone-Parents-Evening 2022

If you have any issues in using the new system, please contact the school office.

S1-S3 Pupil and Parent/ Carer Medicine Information Event

An Introduction to Medicine

WAMGCC in collaboration with the charity You Can be a Doctor and a number of other organisations we are hosting an online information evening for pupils in S1-3 and their parents who are thinking about studying medicine or simply interested in finding out more about the career.

Join us for an evening of presentations from consultant doctors, GPs, medical students, and more to learn about what it’s like to be a doctor and how you can get there. This evening is intended for any pupil in S1 – S3 at a Scottish state school who is thinking about becoming a doctor, is interested in science, or who has a passion for looking after others. We also welcome parents of any budding doctors! The talks will be packed with information but we will also have an open text chat that pupils (and parents) can use to ask questions and chat directly to doctors and medical students. As work experience is difficult to find at the moment this session is sure to provide a valuable opportunity for pupils to explore the possibilities that being a doctor can offer them!

The event is to be held on Tuesday December 15th. 7-9pm. A recording will also go online on the charity’s YouTube channel afterwards. The event is entirely free but to register for an access code please visit:

You Can Be A Doctor – Advice for pupils who want to study medicineYou Can Be A Doctor is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Charity number SC046620 Remember, applying to medicine is your

(It is worth noting the registration system works best using Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers).

For more information please email: