Category Archives: parents and families

Parental Update 17.09.21

Dear Parent/Carer,

This week’s newsletter has been sent out to you via our school app and / or email. You can also click on the link below to access it.

parental update 17.09.21

Earlier today a copy of a letter from Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director was also sent out to you and this is linked below.

Letter to Parents and Carers from Jason Leitch National Clinical Director 16 September 2021

Return to School Letter – 10/08/21

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please click on the link below to read a letter from Maureen McKenna, Executive Director of Education,

MMcK – Aug 21 Secondary Parent Letter (1)

An update from Public Health on arrangements for schools in relation to Covid 19 can be found here:

Letter for the new term – schools – August 2021 – NHS GGC – v2

Both letters have been sent out to parents and carers via our school app and also via email earlier today.

P7 Information Evening – Thurs 10th June 2021

Dear Parent / Carer,

Thanks to all who came along to our virtual Information Evening. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation shown can be found below – just click on the link. If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Campbell, Depute Head Teacher. You can call the school on 0141 582 0100 or email Mrs Campbell  at

P7 Parents Evening 10 June 2021