World Music Day 2024 – Everyone Belongs Premiere

Celebrating Diversity: Glasgow CREATE’s “Everyone Belongs / Tha a h-uile duine an seo” Citywide Music Project

This year’s citywide music project titled “Everyone Belongs / Tha a h-uile duine an seo” invited all primary schools across Glasgow to participate in a musical celebration of equality and diversity. This project, funded by Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative, underscores Glasgow’s commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 4: ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.

“Everyone Belongs”, words and music by Glyn Lehmann, served as the anthem for this celebration, chosen for its powerful message of inclusion. The project encouraged primary children to explore and celebrate the myriad of cultures, languages, and beliefs that make up their vibrant city by learning and performing this song.

To support the learning process, teaching videos, backing tracks, and lyrics were provided by CREATE YMI Music Tutors, catering to all stages and including sections in Makaton and Gaelic. During the instrumental interlude, children creatively incorporated the phrase “Everyone Belongs” in various languages of their choice, showcasing Glasgow’s rich linguistic diversity.

Each participating class recorded their performance alongside the provided backing track, culminating in a spectacular citywide digital performance. The response was overwhelming, with 278 videos submitted from 110 schools. This impressive collection of performances was expertly edited to create a digital showcase, reflecting the unity and diversity of Glasgow’s young learners.

Many schools also organised live performances during assemblies and school concerts, which extended the reach and impact of the project. This enthusiastic participation from children, teachers, and families, further fostered a sense of community and belonging.

Celebrating World Music Day, the city-wide digital performance will be released this Friday, 21st June at 9:30 am on YouTube:

The “Everyone Belongs” project not only celebrated diversity but also reinforced the importance of inclusion and community in Glasgow’s educational landscape. The overwhelming success and positive feedback will ensure the continuation of such joyful celebrations in the future.

“The children loved being part of this and the theme was engaging and heart warming!” Class Teacher, St Catherine’s Primary

“The fact that Makaton was taught alongside the words was a fantastic addition to the children’s learning.” Class Teacher, Chirnsyde Primary

“The class really enjoyed learning the song, exploring Gaelic and being part of a community project.” Class Teacher, St Roch’s Primary & Deaf School

“Our whole school ended up taking part and it was beautiful.” Class Teacher, St Monica’s Primary

“Many of the schools have been using this a whole school song which is lovely as it reaches out to all the children. Within the YMI music lessons children have been learning about rhythm and songs from other cultures.” CREATE YMI Tutor