Spring Concert – Monday 29th March, 7pm

Glasgow CREATE’s Instrumental Music Service is delighted to invite you to join us for our online Spring Concert which will take place next Monday, 29thMarch. The concert will be streamed from the CREATE YouTube channel. Please help spread the word by sharing and retweeting. Hit subscribe on our YouTube channel to be notified when the …

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What Scotland Learned

What Scotland Learned is a collection of inspiring stories about how practitioners across Scotland have responded during the COVID-19 crisis. It is structured around the five themes of How Good is OUR School? and includes contributions from children and young people, adults, families and communities. What we did:  Glasgow CREATE adapted to establish online platforms to …

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YMI Remote Learning

Our YMI tutors have been busy preparing video lessons to support remote learning and week 1 is now available on the YMI website here. The videos can be streamed from YouTube on personal devices and are available on Office 365 Video on any Connected Learning iPad logged in via glow. This first block of lessons …

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30 More Days of Creativity

Glasgow’s ’30 More Days of Creativity’ in partnership with Apple launches today and runs until December 17th. The challenges will go live on our YouTube channel here at 9.15am Monday-Friday and Friday’s video will include two challenges for children and young people to try at home over the weekend.  Following on from ’30 Days of …

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CREATE Christmas Concerts

This year we will be presenting a virtual Christmas Concert series. Our Instrumental Music Service concert will be streamed on Monday 14th December and our Primary Schools concert on Tuesday 15th December. Our YMI Tutors have prepared Christmas musical activities from P1-P7 which can be found here. For detailed information and to take part in …

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Music Service Risk Assessment (Updated November 2020)

Glasgow CREATE Music Service Risk Assessment and Safeguarding Supplementary Advice to all GCC Music Staff Update November 2020 The following document sets out considerations for safe delivery of Music Lessons from November 2020 but must be tailored and included within each establishment’s individual Risk Assessment taking into account individual circumstances within schools and departments. The …

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Music Service Update (October 2020)

Glasgow CREATE Music Service October 2020 Glasgow CREATE Lockdown Report Glasgow CREATE adapted to establish online platforms to communicate effectively with parents and families and continue to engage children and young people in expressive arts and creative learning. The new platforms include a CREATE website, YouTube and Facebook, and Blogs for the Instrumental Music and …

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30 Days of Creativity

If you missed out on our recent ’30 Days of Creativity’ challenges don’t worry as all the challenges are still available on our YouTube channel here. Remember to share your creativity with us using the hashtags #GetGlasgowCreating #CreativityForKids #GCCKeepSafeKeepLearning ’30 Days of Creativity’ is a partnership between Glasgow CREATE, Glasgow City Council’s digital learning project; …

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