Author: Martin


Dear Parents/Carers, Group Members,
Happy New Year and welcome back to CREATE City Music groups 2022.
Congratulations to all who took part in the wonderful Christmas concert – everyone sounded amazing – we have had so many lovely emails and calls congratulating you all on your performances.
In order to run groups safely this term we are asking all members to please take a lateral flow test before attending each rehearsal, (either the evening before or morning of a rehearsal) and if the result is positive, please do not attend the rehearsal.
We would also ask all members to continue to wear face coverings where appropriate and to observe appropriate social distancing and follow current hygiene rules.
All group dates and times can be found on the CREATE website under City Groups Rehearsal and Concert Schedule 2021-22:

** Please note the Start date for Choirs is 27th January **

Further information will be posted on the website as the term continues, so please keep an eye open for upcoming news and events. ( Concerts, Ticket release info, Dress Code, Side by Side events etc will be advesrtised here)
We look forward to welcoming you all back to rehearsals for another exciting term with CREATE.


Glasgow CREATE plan to run Glasgow Schools’ Young Musician Competition, in City Halls, Studio 1 on Thursday 3rd February 2022. We are accepting entries from one vocalist and one instrumentalist from each Glasgow Secondary and Primary School.  

Entries should be emailed to by Friday 21st January 2022. 

Competitor 1
Accompanist required?

Competitor 2
Accompanist required?

Glasgow’s winner will then compete in the Scottish Young Musician final on 29th May at RCS.

If you need any further information, please get in touch. 

GSSO – Application, Rehearsals, Concerts & Course 2022

Information for Members and Parents/Guardians 

We are delighted to announce details of Glasgow Schools’ Symphony Orchestra 2022 schedule. GSSO provides a unique opportunity for Young People from across Glasgow schools to experience professional orchestral training, repertoire and performance delivered by our team of highly talented staff.

APPLICATION form can be accessed here

Closing date for applications is 15th December 2021 

AUDITIONS will take place week beginning 10th January 2022 in City Halls, you will be informed of audition times by email once your application has been received.

Please be prepared to perform a short piece of roughly grade four or above at your audition, you will also be given a short piece of sight reading. Following your auditions places will be confirmed by email. Your instrumental instructor will be able to help you prepare and answer any further questions you have.

Rehearsals & Concert schedule:

GSSO Rehearsal City Halls 1000 – 1300 Sunday 06/03/22
GSSO Rehearsal City Halls 1000 – 1300 Sunday 13/03/22
GSSO Rehearsal City Halls 1000 -1300 Sunday 20/03/22
GSSO Rehearsal &

Concert TBC

City Halls 1300-1700 &


Monday 21/03/22

Concert TBC

City Halls 1900 Tuesday 22/03/22
GSSO Rehearsal City Halls 1000-1300 Saturday 11/06/22
GSSO & BBC Side by Side City Halls TBC Monday 06/06/22
GSSO Residential Ardentinny Monday-Friday 20-24/06/22

Course fees

This year’s course fees will be as follows : £280; if your child is in receipt of a Clothing Grant and/or free school meals, there will be a reduced fee of £93. Please note, these fees are for GSSO only and we are pleased to tell you that due to Scottish Government Funding, there will no longer be an annual charge for our extra-curricular city groups.

Invoices will be issued in April 2022

Notice of withdrawal must be emailed to Pamela Black, E.S.O., Instrumental Music Service,  Please remember, there is a high demand for places and it is important that if you accept a place you should be prepared to honour that commitment

Christmas Concert 2021

Our YMI elves have been busying away creating lots of fun Christmas music activities for you all and we’re so excited to share them with you.

More importantly, we can’t wait to see you join in and we hope you will share your class activities with us by sending on your class performances to be featured in our virtual Christmas Concert.

Our online virtual Christmas Concert this year will take place on Monday 20th December. To be featured, all material needs to be shared by 8th December! Please share your video via OneDrive to

Please visit the YMI website here to access all the activities

I am the Earth / Is mise an saoghal – A COP26 Project

Glasgow CREATE are delighted to share this ambitious city-wide music project as part of COP26, with primary and secondary schools from all over Glasgow taking part. Performing the song ‘I am the Earth’ by composer Glyn Lehmann, with gaelic translation from Beverley Darroch, this is Glasgow’s message to the world. “We share the future…One Earth, One People…”

YouTube player

SWG3 Mural

Sunnyside Primary School, Hillhead High and Shawlands worked with artists from SWG3’S yardworks over a number of weeks to create 2 murals on the arches at SWG3 linked to Climate Change.

City Groups Re-Launch

We are delighted to be re-launching our Glasgow City Council, Education Services CREATE Bands, Orchestras and Choirs starting in November 2021.  We are so looking forward to welcoming our young musicians back to City Halls on a Saturday morning and filling it with music and singing.  It has been such a challenging time, but we have been utterly blown away by the creativity and innovation shown by our tutors and young people to keep music alive in our schools and beyond.  We would like to thank everyone so much for their support, hard work, determination and solution focussed approaches which have allowed us to develop and strengthen our Music Service and we are so looking forward to the months ahead.  Please note, we are pleased to tell you that due to Scottish Government Funding, there will no longer be an annual charge for our extra-curricular groups. 

We continue to strive to give the best possible opportunities and experiences for our young people and in doing that we are making some changes, additions and improvements to our Music Service this year. We are starting with the registration for our String Orchestra, String Sinfonia, Concert Band, Symphonic Wind Band and all being well, we will be reviewing our City Choirs and Glasgow Schools Symphony Orchestra early in 2022.

We will be sharing all of our news, projects, initiatives and concerts here on our CREATE Website as well as updates in terms of our progress and registration for all of our City Groups. We will also share any important information via our CREATE Social Media – Twitter | Facebook

Due to the restrictions, our Christmas Concert this year will be hosted on our CREATE Youtube Channel but we hope to have everything up and running for a very special Concert in Spring 2022 where we will celebrate and showcase our very talented musicians and singers. We have waited a long time for this and are sure that it will be a complete sell out and it will be a wonderful performance and celebration of us being back up and running but bigger, better and stronger than ever!

Many thanks to all for all of your support and we look forward to an exciting few months of relaunching our City Music.

Gerard M Burns & St Anne’s Primary School – A COP26 Project

Created specially for COP26, this new painting by artist Gerard M Burns entitled ‘Our Future’ features 6 children from a primary school in Glasgow’s East End.

In Gerard M Burns’ paintings the underlying meaning or message is presented to us via breath-taking painterly technique and ‘Our Future’, set against a gritty urban backdrop, is no exception. Working with oil and canvas, and in the dark rich tones which reflect his environment, Gerard’s every-day subjects are imbued with an almost ‘heroic’ stature in the way they are presented. A graduate of Glasgow School of Art’s painting department in the mid 80’s, Gerard has forged a reputation as one of Scotland’s most important artists. The symbolism here is obvious….six young children staring straight out of the canvas in what can only be described as a ‘challenge’ or ‘accusation’. This is exactly the artist’s intention, as the issue being confronted couldn’t possibly be any more serious, especially for our young people.

‘I hope this painting makes people feel slightly uncomfortable. If COP26 is about anything it’s about the future. Perhaps not my future, but without question my children and my grandchildren’s future…… It is absolutely appropriate therefore that the focus of the artwork should be on children. After all, they are the ones who will live to face the consequences of any failure to act now.’

Gerard’s gift is to be able to present children in a very ‘unsentimental’ way. In so doing he is able to tap into the interior-world of childhood, which when used properly is an extremely powerful way to tell any story. His hope is that the image of these 6 children will stay with you. That it will touch you on an emotional level and perhaps help motivate each one of you to apply the pressure required on our world leaders to meet the challenge of climate change head-on, and to make the hard choices required to make the changes necessary, for all our children’s future.

The Beginning

The Kids

The Story

The Song

Mother Glasgow

The bird, the bell, the fish and the tree
A song for all children, for you and for me
This precious world is weeping you see
Yes it’s now or never It’s time to believe


Mother glasgow fair of face
in your embrace
guard us and keep us
in this dear green place

Mother Glasgow in your eyes
there’s no place to hide
the whole world is watching
it’s time to decide
the whole world is watching
it’s time to decide
the whole world is waiting
for us to decide

The moments now
time won’t allow
there is no time to waste
To change things somehow
let’s make a start
we know in our hearts
for this brand-new beginning
we must play our part


The chance to Hope
The chance to believe
The chance to do better
With what we’ve received
So lift your voice
In sweet harmony
If we all sing together
It’s easy you see


Let our voices be heard

For nearly three decades the UN has been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits – called COPs – which stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’. In that time climate change has gone from being a fringe issue to a global priority.

This year will be the 26th annual summit – giving it the name COP26. With the UK as President, COP26 takes place in Glasgow.

In the run up to COP26 the UK is working with every nation to reach agreement on how to tackle climate change. More than 190 world leaders will arrive in Scotland. Joining them will be tens of thousands of negotiators, government representatives, businesses and citizens for twelve days of talks.

Imagine if you were a world leader………what is your idea for change- big or small?

If you are in S4-6 share your idea with us. Sharing of your ideas through poetry, oration, art, music, dance and drama will then be exhibited and broadcast through CREATE’s YouTube Channel along with live exhibitions and performances.

Submit a video or picture of your work by Thursday 7th October.

To share, please save your project to your glow OneDrive account on iPad and follow these instructions :
1. Open OneDrive app on iPad and navigate to your project file.
2. Tap the 3 dots on the far right hand side of your file and choose ‘Share’
3. Tap ‘People you specify can edit’ and change to ‘Anyone with the link’ and then tap ‘Apply’
4. In the ‘To:’ field, enter
5. In the ‘Message’ field, enter Let our voices be heard with a brief message about your submission. Ensure you enter your name, school and year group
6. Tap ‘Send’ when finished

Citywide COP26 Music Project

As the world’s eyes look upon Glasgow ahead of COP26, the CREATE YMI & IMS team have launched an ambitious citywide music project.

Our tutors have created fabulous resources for teachers to use in class. All the material, including lyric sheet, percussion rhythms, video lessons for early, first and second level as well as demonstration video and backing track can be found here.

The project will culminate in the creation of a video performance of recordings gathered from all schools and all stages citywide, which will then be broadcast at the start of COP26, along with special live performances from schools at high profile events during COP26.