Gerard M Burns & St Anne’s Primary School – A COP26 Project

Created specially for COP26, this new painting by artist Gerard M Burns entitled ‘Our Future’ features 6 children from a primary school in Glasgow’s East End.

In Gerard M Burns’ paintings the underlying meaning or message is presented to us via breath-taking painterly technique and ‘Our Future’, set against a gritty urban backdrop, is no exception. Working with oil and canvas, and in the dark rich tones which reflect his environment, Gerard’s every-day subjects are imbued with an almost ‘heroic’ stature in the way they are presented. A graduate of Glasgow School of Art’s painting department in the mid 80’s, Gerard has forged a reputation as one of Scotland’s most important artists. The symbolism here is obvious….six young children staring straight out of the canvas in what can only be described as a ‘challenge’ or ‘accusation’. This is exactly the artist’s intention, as the issue being confronted couldn’t possibly be any more serious, especially for our young people.

‘I hope this painting makes people feel slightly uncomfortable. If COP26 is about anything it’s about the future. Perhaps not my future, but without question my children and my grandchildren’s future…… It is absolutely appropriate therefore that the focus of the artwork should be on children. After all, they are the ones who will live to face the consequences of any failure to act now.’

Gerard’s gift is to be able to present children in a very ‘unsentimental’ way. In so doing he is able to tap into the interior-world of childhood, which when used properly is an extremely powerful way to tell any story. His hope is that the image of these 6 children will stay with you. That it will touch you on an emotional level and perhaps help motivate each one of you to apply the pressure required on our world leaders to meet the challenge of climate change head-on, and to make the hard choices required to make the changes necessary, for all our children’s future.

The Beginning

The Kids

The Story

The Song

Mother Glasgow

The bird, the bell, the fish and the tree
A song for all children, for you and for me
This precious world is weeping you see
Yes it’s now or never It’s time to believe


Mother glasgow fair of face
in your embrace
guard us and keep us
in this dear green place

Mother Glasgow in your eyes
there’s no place to hide
the whole world is watching
it’s time to decide
the whole world is watching
it’s time to decide
the whole world is waiting
for us to decide

The moments now
time won’t allow
there is no time to waste
To change things somehow
let’s make a start
we know in our hearts
for this brand-new beginning
we must play our part


The chance to Hope
The chance to believe
The chance to do better
With what we’ve received
So lift your voice
In sweet harmony
If we all sing together
It’s easy you see


E-Portfolio tag: Expressive arts