Glasgow Schools’ Young Musician Competition 2023-24

Event Details

Following the success of the Scottish Young Musicians competitions in previous years, Glasgow CREATE plan to run Glasgow Schools Young Musician Competition 2023-24 in City Halls on Thursday 1st February 2024. The competition is open to any pupil who sings or plays an instrument.

We are accepting entries for one vocalist and one instrumentalist from each Glasgow Secondary or Primary School. Each school is invited to nominate their candidates or can run their own competition and nominate their winners for the Glasgow Final.

Last year’s Glasgow CREATE finalist, flautist Caleb Reid, represented Glasgow in the national final at the RCS which was a fantastic experience for all involved. You can find out more at

Depending on the volume of entries we may run separate Primary and Secondary competitions for the Glasgow final.

Entries should be completed by clicking this link by 3pm on Wednesday 20th December 2023.