30 Days of Creativity

If you missed out on our recent ’30 Days of Creativity’ challenges don’t worry as all the challenges are still available on our YouTube channel here.

Remember to share your creativity with us using the hashtags #GetGlasgowCreating #CreativityForKids #GCCKeepSafeKeepLearning

’30 Days of Creativity’ is a partnership between Glasgow CREATE, Glasgow City Council’s digital learning project; ‘Connected Learning,’ and Apple. This project encourages children and young people to use technology as a platform not simply to consume digital content, but also to promote creativity in learning.

Apple launched a ’30 Days of Creativity’ challenge worldwide and have partnered with us to deliver a short creative challenge each day for 30 days which is fun for children, young people and their families to complete. New challenges went live at 1pm each day on the Glasgow CREATE Youtube channel, https://bit.ly/2YA4seP, where you can find video demonstrations for all our challenges.

The project was launched on 4 May and ran until 18 Jun, however, the challenges can be done in any order or revisited at any time.

We saw a tremendous uptake from children, young people, families and teachers across Glasgow who took the opportunity to develop their digital literacy and creativity skills!

You can see what others have been doing during Glasgow’s 30 Days of Creativity by searching on Twitter for #CreativityForKids #GetGlasgowCreating and #GCCKeepsSafeKeepLearning.

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