CNES Parent & Carer Survey

The Department of Education and Children’s Services are conducting a survey of all parents and carers across the authority in June 2014. The closing date for submissions is Friday 27th June. Attached below is a letter from the Director explaining how to access the survey online. A PDF version of the survey is also attached  for paper submission.

Results of the 2013 survey for Sgoil a’ Bhac are on the ‘School Documents’ page of our website.

Director’s Letter – Parent & Carer Survey

Parent & Carer Survey 2014 Questions

P7 Trip to Alltnacriche Outdoor centre.

P7 pupils enjoyed their school trip to Alltnacriche Outdoor Centre in Lynwilg, just outside Aviemore. They took part in a range of activities which included: Archery, Orienteering, Mountain Biking, Aerial Runway, Survival skills such as fire-lighting and shelter building. They also visited Landmark and had great fun on the rollercoaster and water slides. They managed to do a lot of shopping, in a little time too, in Inverness on the journey home.




All set for Mountain Biking.                                                            Being taught about Mountain Biking.


All ready to go!             OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA





Having a go at Archery.
Having a go at Archery.



Learning about Archery

Learning about Archery.


Learning how to light a fire.
Learning how to light a fire.


The boys' shelter was highly praised by Iain, the Group leader. We almost stayed their for the night. Nach iad a rinn math!
The boys’ shelter was highly praised by Iain, the Group leader. We almost stayed there for the night. Nach iad a rinn math!



Pleased with their shelter! The Group Leader commented that they were the best shelters he had seen being built and was not going to dismantle them, which he would normally. Well done girls!

Pleased with their shelter! The Group Leader commented

that they were the best shelters he had seen being built

and was not going to dismantle them, which he would normally.

Well done girls!


Weekly Website Whizzkid – Caitlin EP7

This week we went to the I.C.T suite to work on our e-portfolios for the Nicolson. We also worked on Alta maths.  The challenger 4 bus came to school and we learnt about a lady called Jane who was a missionary. She went to Hungary to help the Jews in the Second World War. It was very interesting and all the people on the bus were great fun. This week we also learnt about the different parts of the heart and we watched a video about it.


Lots of people from school were competing in the local Mod. Everyone has worked very hard and done very well.  In our class Johanna, Lee, Leanne and I all did solos and Ailyn did a poem.  Leanne got a third place and Ailyn got a first place.  Me, Johanna and James were also in the Ceilidh Group that came second and Johanna and I were also in the Folk Group. Some people in our class were in the choir too and they came second.


Well done everyone in the school who took part.

Our visit to the Arnol Black House by Sandy Morrison and Hannah MacLeod.

Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.
Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.


Our class has been studying the Highland Clearances. We have been learning about their lifestyles and cultures. Mrs Mairi Morrison came to talk to us about the Arnol Blackhouse and we learnt lots! Therefore we went on a class trip to the Arnol Blackhouse.


Our class joined English primary one and two to visit Arnol. We split up and visited  the white house and black house. We learnt lots from Mrs Morrison and her colleague, Donald Morrison. There were many interesting sights to see in the blackhouse. We enjoyed it thoroughly!

an taigh dubh 14-05-14 003 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 052                         an taigh dubh 14-05-14 015 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 017                       an taigh dubh 14-05-14 019 an taigh dubh 14-05-14 022                     an taigh dubh 14-05-14 028

Mad Hair Day

Mad Hair 3

Gaelic 4/5 planned and organised a Mad Hair day and encouraged all pupils and staff  to support the fundraising event.

Tha iad airson taing a thoirt  dhan a h-uile duine a ghabh pairt ann. Abair gu robh seallaidhean annasach ann an Sgoil a’ Bhac an-diugh! Thug sinn a-steach  £125 agus tha sinn eagalach toilichte leis an sin.


Poster Molly Poster Sandy

Mad Hair 1


Mad Hair 4

Weekly Website Whizzkid – Claire EP6

On Monday we had our sports day which we all enjoyed.  Lots of parents came along to watch us take part in the races. There was tea, coffee and home baking being served in the school. We all had a great day.


On Tuesday we had art and we are doing a board to be displayed in Stornoway during the summer. I was drawing the new ferry on the board. The school is busy getting ready for the mod next week.


Today was MAD HAIR DAY today in Sgoil a’ Bhac . Everyone made a big effort to make their hair as crazy as possible. Even Mrs Murray wore a bright red wig and she looked like Stephanie from LazyTown.

Weekly Website Whizzkid 28.5.14 Leanne EP6

On Monday we had sports day. On sports day I had a lot of fun. The races we did included the sack race, running race, egg and spoon race, the 200m race and the relay.


On Tuesday we had art and we were designing a Stornoway Tattoo board, although we haven’t started making the board yet. After lunch we had French and we were learning names of the shops in French, like the post office and the vet. After French we had our new topic which is the human body and we were doing our cover sheet and talking about the skeleton.


On Wednesday we had to go to the library to choose a new book to read then we had maths. At maths we were doing money and decimals. Decimals are easy and I really like them. After break we have been doing language where we are doing Nelson Skills. After lunch we will be doing some dictionary work with our teacher and the other P6s while the P7s go to French.

Weekly Website Whizzkid 23.5.14 Holly EP6

On Wednesday mornings we go down to the library to choose a book.  In the Afternoon when we learnt about Rosa Parks and we summarised her story by writing bullet points about what she did. She was really heroic and stood up for equal rights in America.  Then we went down to the computer room and we all chose our own person that was courageous and changed the world. I chose Nelson Mandela and had to do some research about him.


On Thursday morning we did some reading activities.  I chose to design a house for the main character in my book. We had P.E with Mrs MacLennan where we played cone ball and corner hockey. In maths we have been working on adding and subtracting decimals and I am starting to get the hang of it!

Weekly Website Whizzkid 21.5.14 Ailyn EP6

On Monday when we came in we had P.E. We played some games and then went back to class. After P.E we did reading activities where I did a story map. I did my story map on Shrinking Violet. After lunch we went to watch the P7s do their Young Leaders test so we will know what to expect next year.


On Tuesday morning we did an imaginative story. My story was called Shrinking Ailyn. It was a funny story. After break we had Art with Mr Smith. In art we were painting. After art we had language and we were doing Grammar. Finally we had Gaelic with Mrs MacLennan where we were working on our Gaelic vocabulary.


On Wednesday morning we went to the library to choose and swap our books. At maths time we went to the computer room to do Alta maths. It was okay and I am starting to get better at some of the tricky bits. We also did hand writing and Nelson Skills. After lunch Mrs Murray read us the story of Rosa Parks. It was an interesting story and Rosa Parks did an amazing thing in protesting for equal rights in America.

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