Category Archives: School Office

Bethesda Cake and Collection

The special cake baked by our retiring school cook, Mary Stewart, was raffled at our two recent concert nights. The draw was conducted this morning by Mary herself and the winner was Mrs Joey Murray. In addition to the raffle raising £179.00, the collection for Bethesda took in £249.38, making a total donation to Bethesda of £428.38. We will arrange for this donation to be presented to Bethesda early in the new year.


Parent Council Christmas Raffle

This year’s Parent Council Christmas raffle raised an amazing £600. Tickets were sold at both concert nights and the winners were drawn in the school this morning. Winners were as follows:
Hamper 1 – Blue 252 – Mary Anne Mackinnon
Hamper 2 – Peach 516 – Joan Anderson
Hamper 3 – Blue 808 – Isobel Maclennan
Congratulations to our winners!
Merry Christmas from Sgoil a’ Bhac Parent Council.
IMG_0153 IMG_0155

Update – Telephone Fault

15.12.14  3.00pm

BT engineers have now been able to restore service to the school’s back-up phone line, 820866. There is an on-going major fault on our main line that may take several more days to resolve. In the mean-time, we are working to now have all calls redirected to our back-up number.

If you need to contact the school office, please call 01851 820866 or e-mail until further notice.

We would like to thank Tolsta School staff who have been receiving calls and passing messages to Sgoil a’ Bhac during this outage.

Christmas Card Competition Winner

A number of pupils from Sgoil a’ Bhac entered our MSP Alasdair Allan’s Christmas Card design competition. We were delighted to hear that the winner was Ellie Macdonald from GM7. Alasdair Allan attended our Christmas Assembly last Friday to present Ellie with her prize and a copy of the printed card. The card with her design has now been sent out across Scotland and beyond.Ellie & AA

Ellie and card
Ellie was presented with a copy the card with her design printed on it


Ellies Card
Ellie’s winning design

Update – Telephone Fault

12/12/14   11.30am

BT has now been able to identify the fault that has caused the failure of the school’s phonelines. A vital piece of equipment that manages the phonelines has been damaged in the recent powercuts and lightning strikes. 

BT engineers are unable, at this stage, to give us a timescale for the fault to be fixed. In the mean-time, the school’s main 820230 number will be automatically re-routed to Tolsta School and they will arrange for information to be forwarded to Sgoil a’ Bhac. Alternatively, the school can be contacted via e-mail

As our Cashless Catering system is updated with payments over the phoneline, we are unable to monitor pupil accounts during the period of this fault. Pupils will continue to have meal costs deducted daily and accounts will be fully updated when the issue has been resolved.

Our apologies for the inconvenience that this issue has caused and we hope to have it resolved as soon as possible.