Category Archives: G6-7

Scholastic Book Fair

A very successful Scholastic Bookfair was run by GP6/7 as a Scholastic Business School.  It went beyond just literacy and it encouraged the pupils to develop real-world skills including financial awareness, creative thinking, responsibility and teamwork. Pupils had to apply for positions by filling in application forms, submitting CVs and writing letters. This year the total rewards came to £510.05 which will be spent to stock up our library.

Pupils were responsible for the advertising, displaying, selling, ordering and totalling up the money each day. Alongside the bookfair pupils, as events co-ordinators, organised competitions. Below is Eilidh, winner of the cake competition  The cake was baked and decorated by Ellie GP7 tying in with the Book Fair theme.



The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

GP6/7 and EP5/6 have been studying The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis. They have been reading and critically analysing the text in class and have been coming together for various activities. Throughout the term they have worked together on a project to transform an area of the school into Narnia. Mr Smith, the Art teacher, has worked with both classes to create a spectacular wall display. Both classes have also created 3D objects which has helped in  developing their problem solving, planning, creating and designing skills.


Here are some pictures of the early stages of the work.

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Feasgar aig Cairdeas.

Mar pairt dh’ar proiseict mu Alba bha sinn a’ coimhead ri buidheanan a tha air a chuir air doigh airson daoine eadar dhealaichte anns ar coimhearsnachd fhein.  Le sin chaidh sinn a thadhal air Cairdeas a shealltainn de bha iadsan a’deanamh.

Sheall sinn dhaibh postairean a rinn sinn.
Sheall sinn dhaibh postairean a rinn sinn.


Sheinn sinn orain dhaibh.
Sheinn sinn orain dhaibh.







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We drew pictures in celebration of old age.  Some grandparents may recognise themselves in the above photographs or in the cartoon drawings.





P7 Trip to Alltnacriche Outdoor centre.

P7 pupils enjoyed their school trip to Alltnacriche Outdoor Centre in Lynwilg, just outside Aviemore. They took part in a range of activities which included: Archery, Orienteering, Mountain Biking, Aerial Runway, Survival skills such as fire-lighting and shelter building. They also visited Landmark and had great fun on the rollercoaster and water slides. They managed to do a lot of shopping, in a little time too, in Inverness on the journey home.




All set for Mountain Biking.                                                            Being taught about Mountain Biking.


All ready to go!             OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA





Having a go at Archery.
Having a go at Archery.



Learning about Archery

Learning about Archery.


Learning how to light a fire.
Learning how to light a fire.


The boys' shelter was highly praised by Iain, the Group leader. We almost stayed their for the night. Nach iad a rinn math!
The boys’ shelter was highly praised by Iain, the Group leader. We almost stayed there for the night. Nach iad a rinn math!



Pleased with their shelter! The Group Leader commented that they were the best shelters he had seen being built and was not going to dismantle them, which he would normally. Well done girls!

Pleased with their shelter! The Group Leader commented

that they were the best shelters he had seen being built

and was not going to dismantle them, which he would normally.

Well done girls!


Our visit to the Arnol Black House by Sandy Morrison and Hannah MacLeod.

Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.
Clas 6-7 aig an taigh dubh.


Our class has been studying the Highland Clearances. We have been learning about their lifestyles and cultures. Mrs Mairi Morrison came to talk to us about the Arnol Blackhouse and we learnt lots! Therefore we went on a class trip to the Arnol Blackhouse.


Our class joined English primary one and two to visit Arnol. We split up and visited  the white house and black house. We learnt lots from Mrs Morrison and her colleague, Donald Morrison. There were many interesting sights to see in the blackhouse. We enjoyed it thoroughly!

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EuroQuiz 2014 ~ Runners-Up

Today, Sgoil a’ Bhac hosted this year’s inter-schools EuroQuiz competition. As well as our own team, we welcomed teams and supporters from Laxdale, Lionel, Sgoil an Rubha, Tolsta, Sir E Scott and Stornoway Primary. A simultaneous event was being held in the Southern Isles for Uist schools. Quizmaster Zena Stewart got the competition underway with a packed hall of supporters from all the schools.
The first part of the competition involved four rounds:
– European Geography
– Languages (French, Spanish, German)
– European Union
– Culture, History & Sport.

At the end of the four rounds, the top two teams across the Western Isles were to go head-to-head in the final to decide the winner.  At the end of the four rounds, the scores were as follows:

Sgoil a’ Bhac – 50pts
Stornoway – 46pts
Sgoil an Rubha – 40pts
Sir E Scott – 39pts
Lionel – 36pts
Balivanich – 36pts
Laxdale – 34pts
Paible – 29pts
Tolsta – 25pts
Daliburgh – 23pts

As the top two teams, Sgoil a’ Bhac and Stornoway Primary went head-to-head in the final. In a nail-biting battle, the final finished in a 7-7 tie. The tension ramped up even further as we entered a knockout tie-break. In a gripping finale, Stornoway Primary edged the win with a 3-2 victory.

We’d like to say a huge well done to our team (James, Ellie, Holly and Maia) for such a great performance on the day and for working so hard in preparing for the event. We’d also like to say thanks to their teachers, Miss Macdonald and Mrs Murray for their help in tutoring the team and to our janitor, Mr Macdonald, for organising the tables and seating in the hall.

We’d also like to pass on our congratulations to Stornoway Primary and wish them well when they go on to represent the Western Isles in the national EuroQuiz in Edinburgh later this year.

Ready to start!
Ready to start!
Supporters cheer on our team
Supporters cheer on our team
Our team: Holly, James, Ellie and Maia
Our team: Holly, James, Ellie and Maia
Winners and runners-up: Stornoway and Sgoil a' Bhac
Winners and runners-up: Stornoway and Sgoil a’ Bhac

Mission Aviation Fellowship

Today, the pupils of G5-7 and E5-7 visited a special exhibition in Back Free Church Hall from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). During a very interesting presentation they found out about the work of MAF in supporting people all over the World, flying food, water, medicines and other aid to the needy.

IMG_3924e IMG_3923eThe school made a donation to MAF at the end of the presentations to help continue to support their work.

As part of their visit to Lewis, MAF will be offering the opportunity to have a go in a flight simulator. The simulator will be available at the MA Memorial Hall, Stornoway on Saturday and at Back Free Church on Sunday evening during the Youth Fellowship.