Week ending 15th September

In Primary 4 this week we have been learning ..

About rugby in PE we were playing touch rugby and we learned that we had be quick thinking about where to pass the ball you can only pass backwards and not forwards.

In Kodesh we made challah with Mrs Rosenberg and Mrs Bodenheim. We had to split the dough into 4 then make them into a sausage shapes and then weave them together and then made them into a circle shape then they were baked in the dinner hall. We ate it when we got home and it was yummy!

In social studies we started our Rainforest topic we learned where all the rainforests are located and they are all near equator. The biggest rainforest is the Amazon.

We continued with our class charter and finished our display. We have all pledged what we will do to make sure that everyone in the class will have their rights. We are all excited to show our parents this at the curriculum afternoon.

 This week was maths week and we worked with Primary 5 to do measuring in the playground. We measured the length and breadth of the playground and various different pieces of equipment. We then recorded our findings and compared our answers we noted that some were very different and others were similar – we learned that we should look carefully and double check our measurements.

We all agreed on a class reward system where we can earn dojo tokens and spend them on things in the class. We have all worked really hard to earn dojos and are well on our way to saving up enough tokens to spend them on what we want.

 In literacy we have been continuing our study of Matilda. This week we were focussing on comprehension and finding information we worked as a group to read together and then find the best answer.