3rd November

In Primary 4 this week we have been learning about…


We have been learning about the plants located in the rainforest. The Pitcher plant is colourful so that it attracts frogs and insects but it is poisonous and kills them. There is a tree called the rubber tree that provides us with rubber. We also learned about cacoa and coffee bush that give us chocolate and coffee! We learned about this from a powerpoint then we had write down and label diagrams about them.


On Thursday we completed morning calculations! Mrs Grubb gave us algebraic equations to solve! To start with we were confused but once we got the hang of it we managed to answer them all.


In maths the Brains have been learning how to add and subtract big numbers. We used the place value materials to make the numbers and physically exchange and carry hundreds, tens and units and then recorded this in our jotters.


In PE we have been learning about football. We were learning about possession and how to keep it close to our feet. We also had to try and make passes through a narrow space and count how many we managed without hitting a cone.


We had an exciting Friday this week. This morning we had a pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk. It was very exciting and the giant was very realistic.


After break we all went into our new committees –Eco, Rights Respecting, Digital Leaders, Road Safety, Health and PE, Mitzvah and Literacy. Each group was a mix of P1-P7 and we all met for the first time to share our ideas about events in the school that we would like to hold. Apparently some of the groups have a few surprises up their sleeves! We can’t wait to find out what those are!