Update and Homework

Hello! I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend.

This week, we have been very busy in Primary 5. The class has been working very hard. The Rectangles are working on multiplication and division with carrying, the Triangles have been finishing their unit on addition and subtraction with exchanging, the Circles have been looking at chance and probability, and the Squares have been working on dividing by 2. We have also been studying Alexander III, as part of our topic on the Scottish Wars of Independence. The class acted out some scenes about Alexander this week, made a cartoon strip and wrote a newspaper article about his untimely death. We’ve also been hard at work, practising our assembly, which will be in the afternoon of Thursday 20th September (next week). Phew! I don’t know how we managed to fit so much in to only three days of school!!!

Homework this week is the usual spelling words to look, cover, write, say and check. Learners can choose a spelling activity from the grid. There is also a maths sheet, where learners can choose which level they want to attempt (there are four) – it’s a version of Countdown.

We should be getting our very own Primary 5 Twitter account in the next week or so, and a link to this will be embedded in this class blog. It will be updated daily, by myself and the class! Can I remind parents/carers who have not sent back forms about photography permissions, that if you do not bring this back, we cannot include your child in any photos, to be used on the blog, Twitter, or even in the classroom? Just be aware of this, and if you would like your child to be in the photos, please send back the form asap.

Thank you for all your support, and thanks to all in Primary 5 for their hard work this week! Well done.