
The class have been given out homework, which is due on the 12th September because of the holidays next Monday and Tuesday. A couple of students have mentioned that they are finding it hard to complete homework because of extra-curricular clubs. If that is the case, please just let me know – homework is not mandatory, and I will understand!

The whole class have ten spelling words to Look, Cover, Write, Say, Check. Instead of sentences, this week’s spelling activity is writing their spelling words from small to big (the word with the least number of letters first, leading up to the longest word).

Rectangles have maths questions on multiplication, our topic for just now. Triangles have maths questions on addition, still working with hundreds, tens and units. Circles are looking at number systems from round the world and throughout history, so they have some hieroglyphic puzzles to solve. Squares are working on their multiplication, so they have questions on the 2x table for this week.