We are delighted to announce that our Lending Library is back. Please use the QR codes to sign your chosen books in and out. We are still missing quite a few books, if you have any please return them to the front office. Thank you.
Tag Archives: Parental Involvement
Curriculum Evening November 2023
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend our recent Curriculum Evening. We showcased how we demonstrate our values in all we do.
We received lots of lovely feedback.
“What a wonderful, educational and welcoming nursery! The staff are friendly and professional. We are so grateful that our children get to come here. Thank you all.”
“Very interesting and informative- I hadn’t realised that there was so much thought and planning going in to the children’s day here.”
Amazing resources. So many fantastic experiences with great variety. Staff are always so helpful and supportive. Thank you for all you do. “
“very interesting to see the spaces and activities. Clear to see how much you consider the children’s views and opinions. Staff very enthusiastic as always. Thank you.”
If you were unable to attend, you can access some information about this here.
by Miss McCallum
Bookbug promotes positive interactions through telling stories, singing songs, rhymes and play. We have been taking part in sessions over the past few months to help encourage new friendships and develop positive relationships between staff and children.
We have also started our family session within the centre and have loved seeing how many families have joined us so far. Sharing stories, songs and rhymes with your children also have a huge impact on your child’s language development. Taking a few minutes each day to read a story or sing a song will help form positive parent and child relationships and help develop the connections in a child’s brain that promote emotional development. It is also a great way to have fun!
Eid Mubarak!
We have been learning about the Muslim month of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr.
A special thanks to Idrees’ mum for visiting to read us a story and tell us about their family’s celebrations.
We also had a special snack of chapati, dates and raita.
The staff would also like to say a special ‘thank you’ to the families who gifted us a yummy cake.
World Book Day 2022
We celebrated World Book Day by coming to nursery in our pyjamas and bringing in our favourite stories (and teddies!).
We had a special snack of Gruffalo Tusks…
We shared lots of stories through the day and a special ‘thank you’ goes to our visitors who read stories outdoors.
There is a World Book Day Token for everyone – we hope you enjoy reading the special £1 books that you can use it to buy.
Bookbug at Glenwood
In all our rooms we love exploring our favourite books. We use puppets and props to help us retell traditional tales.
“The troll is scary! He tries to eat the goats. I like the bit when the goat hits him with its horns.”
Taking part in regular Bookbug sessions, we have enjoyed listening to familiar stories and we have been learning some new songs, as well as reciting our favourite nursery rhymes.
Look out for links to our Google meet Bookbug sessions next week for Math Week Scotland and you can join in from home too!
World Book Day 2021
This year we couldn’t invite parents in to nursery to read stories so we invited them to read to us remotely! Some were able to join us live for a Google Meet and some shared videos of themselves reading with us. A huge “Thank you!” to all our storytellers.

All the children will receive a World Book Day voucher to spend – find out more in this fun song… how many stories to you recognise?
You might like to listen to Lydia Monks read What the Ladybird Heard in a video she recorded for World Book Day.
Sharing books and stories together is a valuable learning experience for your child. This document gives some advice on ways to get the most out of reading together.
Family Fun Bags
This week we have been using papier mâché and balloons to make models. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to do this for this week’s Family Fun Bags. Each bag contains the items needed to create papier mâché, a balloon, googly eyes and 3 colours of powder paint. Colours can be mixed to create different colours.
ECO day
Last Saturday we had a very successful ECO day. Staff, families and friends all mucked in to ensure our garden looks its best. Bark and stones were spread in Toadstool Tales, a bottle top mosaic was produced, the sand pit filled, vegetable plots weeded, cable drums painted, flowers planted, strimming and power washing carried out and many more jobs. A huge thank you to everyone who helped.
Our Children’s Committee met recently to discuss what we can do for Fairtrade Fortnight. They created a mind map of ideas.
The children decided to use some Fairtrade ingredients to bake banana cup cakes. We followed a recipe and we had lots of measuring and weighing to do.
The cup cakes tasted yummy! We thought it would be a great idea to sell the ingredients in our Family Fun Bags to allow everyone the chance to make Fairtrade banana cup cakes at home.
Come and Join Us
We are starting monthly sessions of Bookbug and Musicality (Literacy through music) for parents and their Glenwood children. Please come along and join us. Let us know if you can manage to allow us to organise the children.
- Monday 18th February 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Musicality
- Thursday 21st February 10.00am- 10.30am- Musicality
- Monday 4th March 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Bookbug
- Thursday 7th March 10.00am- 10.30am- Bookbug
- Monday 18th March 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Musicality
- Thursday 21st March- 10.00am- 10.30am- Musicality
- Monday 15th April 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Bookbug
- Thursday 18th April 10.00am- 10.30am- Bookbug
- Monday 29th April 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Musicality
- Thursday 2nd May 10.00am- 10.30am- Musicality
- Monday 13th May 2.00pm- 2.30pm- Bookbug
- Thursday 16th May 10.00am- 10.30am- Bookbug