Snack time

We are all involved in planning and preparing our snacks. We are supported to make healthy choices and we have fresh fruit and vegetables each day.

 We set the table and prepare the food and drinks.

Last week we made clootie dumpling  for snack as part of our Burns celebrations.

Today we made our own salad sandwiches. We put spread on our bread and chose our salad filling.




Supporting Loss, Grief and Bereavement

Loss is a common occurrence which affects individuals in very different ways.   Loss is most often considered to be a negative or painful process and one which requires time, space and the support of others to aid recovery.  This is especially true for loss suffered through death. Regardless of age, the experience of bereavement is significant and can be life changing.

The following leaflets are designed to support children and families facing loss, grief and bereavement. Further advice and resources are available from staff.

Bereavement in Childhood Leaflet for Children and Young People

Final Bereavement in Childhood Leaflet Parents Final

Young archaeologists and paleontologists

We have been very interested in dinosaurs and this led us to find out about fossils and how paleontologists use fossils to explore plants and animals from the past.

We also discovered archaeologists find out about people in the past by exploring artifacts often found from archaeological digs.

We created our own fossils and hid artifacts in clay and carried out our own ‘dig’ in the sand tray. We used tools such as small chisels, rakes, brushes and small hammers as we worked.

Roads, runways, routes and ramps

In the construction area we have been working together to develop the area. We used small construction resources to build vehicles and used the large blocks to create roads and ramps.  We added a runway for aeroplanes and have created more roads using tape.  As we play, we are exploring forces using ramps and gutters to create slopes and we are learning about direction using arrows.

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