Continuing their good work from the Climate Conference, the Transition class were Responsible Citizens when they complied the data from the Whole School Energy Audit. This data will be shared at Pupil Council next week.
Continuing their good work from the Climate Conference, the Transition class were Responsible Citizens when they complied the data from the Whole School Energy Audit. This data will be shared at Pupil Council next week.
There was a lot of great work on ILP targets this week. Topics were wide and varied but the common theme was excellent effort and progress. Well done everyone you are all Successful Learners!
Number formation and understanding
Communication with other adults
High frequency word recognition.
Working successfully in groups including some numeracy targets
Matching money
Understanding different uses of non-fiction books
Following directions
Finding out what is on in Kilmarnock
Recognising time
Tying shoelaces
Matching time
Working in pairs with movement skills
Time bingo!
The Transition class had some more sweets to sort into groups this week. They were Successful Learners when they made rows of sweets to compare numbers. We discovered that the split of sweets in a Heroes packet is fairly even. As usual, the sweets that no-one likes were present in the highest number (toffee eclairs – yuck!), and there was one solitary Twirl.
The Transition class were working hard on their ILP targets and were Successful Learners. They all had their individual literacy or numeracy tasks and worked well at them
Making plans for after school
Matching coins
Reading and showing understanding
Common words
Directional Language
Following directional arrows
The Transition class broke into their Hallowe’en stash early this week! They were Successful Learners when they categorised the tub of sweets to see how many of each they had. We started off on the floor but Mr Nicoll suddenly remembered that he was old, so we made the final rows of sweets on the table. We discovered that the most common sweet was a refresher bar closely followed by parma violets (yuck!)
We having been exploring different toy fruit and vegetables and being doing some role play. We have been pretending to be the shop keeper and a customer and weighing different fruit and vegetables. We have been comparing them seeing which is heavier. We were all confident individuals and able to choose different things to put on each side of the scales to see which is heavier.
MNU 0.11a
We have been successful learners and continued working on out Alphabet books – we made some lovely Caterpillar pictures using green and yellow paint and different brushes – great concentration.
In our SQA Communication Unit, we listened to the ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What can you see?’ story and the rap again and chose your favourite animal – although some of us just could not decide!
We listened to the Singing Hands telling the story and practised our Makaton signs.
Mrs Mac organised a great activity for Diwali, we made clay elephants with jewels, the clay feels lovely to work with , a great sensory experience and good for exercising our hands.
On the MOVE!
Disco Time!!!
We have been working on our IDL Unit and trying to regrow some vegetables – progress report next week!
Smelling and touching the different vegetables.
All ready – fingers crossed!!
These confident individuals continued to work on these IDL and Eco work, using their Art skills and made ‘leftover sandwiches’ for our Display Board.
A word from your Vice Eco Captain use up all your leftovers in a sandwich or a frittata – yummy!!!
Using or Rain Spray during the ‘What is the Weather’ this Morning – great fun!!
Ready for IDL Science looking to change the colour of the celery and lettuce.
Numeracy Dominoes
Have a great weekend everyone.
The Transition class had a wonderful Climate Change Conference day on Thursday. We joined with Oak class online to discover what Climate Change is. We then shared some tasks to do throughout the day to help prevent Climate change. Transition class were responsible for issuing an Energy Audit using our literacy and numeracy skills. We also discovered the food miles involved in our lunches using our numeracy skills. Our last task was to prompt upcycling where we made some templates for a forthcoming whole school project. We met again in the afternoon to share our progress with Oak class. What a fun and busy day.
Delivering our Energy Audit
Online with our Oak friends
Placing food miles on our number line
Creating our Energy Audit
Starting our Upcycling project
Discovering food miles using Google Maps
More Google Maps
The Transition class were working on their SQA Numeracy unit. They were all Successful Learners when they turned their traffic surveys into pictograms using the interactive board or building blocks. Well done everybody, some really clear results.
The Transition class have been Confident Individuals taking part in numeracy skills each day. We have had fantastic number formation and day recognition. Well done everybody!