P2/3 Home Learning 20/4/20

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely Easter holiday and managed to get outside some of the time to enjoy the sunshine.  I know some of you will have enjoyed going long walks with your family and if you are lucky to have a garden managed to get out to play.

I am just keeping in touch with you all and hope you are all well.  I will post new home learning activities every Monday for you to do if you can.  Here are some activities you could try this week to help with your learning.  You can still use some of the work in your packs as well.

Stay safe everyone.

Mrs McLachlan


P2 and P3 Look at your Active Literacy sounds sheet in your pack and practise the new words for the ‘au’ sound.  Practise writing the words for that sound in your laminated Elkonin Boxes in your pack and write sentences using some of these words.  You could also try and make up words of your own with the sound.

Bug Club – Log on to Bug Club and read 2 of your books.


Write a Book Review using the style I have attached below about one of your reading books or if you don’t have access to a printer write a short personal story about what you did over the Easter holidays.  Remember you can draw pictures about your writing.



P2 and P3 – Practise writing out your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and if you feel confident enough your 3 and 4 times tables.

Practise adding and subtracting using your laminated boards either using dice to make up sums or ask a family member to make sums for you to try.

Log on to Topmarks if you can and practise your times tables and number bonds playing Hit the Button Game.  Here is the link:- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Our new topic is all about Plants.  If you can ask an adult to help you and if you have the resources available I thought you could plant seeds in a pot and watch them grow while you are at home.  You will need:-  seeds (sunflower, cress, beans or any you can get), soil, plant pot and water.

or if you don’t have the resources you could

Try making a toy parachute either on your own or with an adult.  You could find resources around the house for this i.e. plastic carrier bag or bin liner, thread, wool or string and a heavy object for the bottom.  This could be a thread reel, a toy soldier or anything with weight.  Plasticine could also be used.  If you don’t have the resources this is fine.  Once you have made your parachute try flying it outside.


Mrs Hill has prepared some music activities for you.  Just follow the link below.



SLC 1 Home Learning Task Week Beginning 20th April

We hope you are all safe, well and happy and have enjoyed time with your family during Easter. We have updated tasks for children to work on this week. We understand from speaking with parents that it can be a challenge getting children to complete some tasks as they are out of their routine so would like to reinforce that these are suggestions only and should only be completed if they don’t cause distress to children.
We will be in touch with everyone in due course. In the meantime, stay safe and have fun.

MS McMillan and Miss Stobbs.

SLC 1 home learning 20th April word document

SLC 1 home learning 20th April pdf

SLC 3 Home Learning 20/4/20

Hello everyone!  I hope you all enjoyed yourselves over the Easter break and made use of the good weather.  We are now beginning another week of working from home.  You should all be working through your packs and be accessing your online resources such as Bug Club, Sumdog and Nessy as well.  Here are some activities for you to try this week too :-

Tasks for Week Beginning 20 / 4 / 20
Literacy Numeracy / Maths All My Other Learning
Make a list of 5 ‘ch’ words.

 You can use paint, chalk, shaving foam, pens, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, pencils, stampers, cut letters out of a newspaper / magazine, etc





Practise skip counting in 5s.

Anytime you climb the stairs count up in 5s.  Hop / jump whilst counting in 25.  Youtube videos of counting in 5s.

The weather has been beautiful, and we have all been spending time out in the garden.  Can you design a new lawnmower to cut the grass?

You can draw a picture and label it, you can use lego to build it or use junk materials to create a model.


Write and draw a picture for 6 ‘sp’ words.


Write a story using 3 paragraphs about a Spring adventure.

Use the following sheet for suggestions for ideas. 


5  times table bingo

Write down 6 numbers that appear in the 5 times table.  (0, 5, 10, 15, 20. 25, 30. 35, 40, 45, 50)   Ask someone at home to say aloud a sum, for example 5 times 3.  If you have the answer cross it out.  Can you clear all of your numbers?

Aim for 60 minutes activity a day!

To help you with this tune in to Joe Wicks’ PE lessons live on Youtube.

Make up your own obstacle courses using objects from the garden.  Get an adult / older sibling to take part to.  Who can complete it the fastest?

Get out in the garden and practise some sports.


5 times table – Buzz


Count from 0 – 100 with an adult / older sibling.  Any time you land on a station of the 5 times table say “buzz!” rather than the number.


Illustrator task

Read one of your books.  Can be a book you have at home, one from Bug Club or one from Youtube.  Draw your favourite part.  Remember to write a few sentences to explain what is happening.


Number talks : 78

Jot down ways to make 78.

You can use adding sums and take away sums.  You can draw a picture of tens and units.

Make your own musical instrument.

Use recycled items from home to make your very own instrument.  Remember to decorate it.  You can use elastic bands around a box as a guitar or lentils in a bottle.  Be creative!


Have fun, stay safe!

Miss Robertson

SLC 2 Home learning week beg 20th April

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed doing nice things with your family.

Below are a few ideas of activities you can complete for this week for the children in Mrs Blaney’s literacy and numeracy groups (the children should know who they work with). Please feel free to complete these activities even if you are not in my group.

Literacy ✍

  • Make alphabet cards with spare paper you have. Can you place the letters in alphabetical order? Ask an adult to help you find sounds that words around your home begin with.
  • Use the letters to make simple words with the middle sounds  -a- and -e-    e.g. cat, fat, bed,net etc. How many words can you make?
  • Think about things you have done over the Easter holiday. Did you go a nice walk and see signs of Spring? What was your favourite Easter egg? What games have you played in your garden? Ask an adult to help you write a few sentences and try and spell some of the words by yourself . Draw a picture that matches your writing.
  • Please log on to Bug Club a few times throughout the week and enjoy listening to and reading stories (password and details are in your pack).

Numeracy 🔢

Group 1 (children working on numbers to 100, addition and subtraction using a number line)

  • Do you have playing cards or a set of dice? Use these to make addition sums and calculate the answer using a number line. If you want, try and work out the answer without using the number line! Can you make sums where you add a 1 digit number to a 2 digit number e.g 23+6=
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the addition games on this page.      https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/addition-and-subtraction
  • You have a blank laminated squared grid in your pack. Use the grid and write all numbers from 1-100 on it. Ask someone to say numbers between 1-100 and find and circle them on your grid.


Group 2  (children working on 3 and 4 digit numbers, addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers and multiplication)

  • Write out the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Play bingo with someone in your house and write down 6 answers to each of the tables then get an adult to read out the sums e.g 2 times table answers and ask sums from the 2 times table
  • Challenge yourself by using playing cards or dice and make up your own multiplication sums. Can you work out the answer using some of the ways we have practised in class?
  • Use the topmarks website and play some of the multiplication games; hit the button is one of the best!   https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/multiplication-and-division
  • Ask someone in your house to help you write 3 digit numbers. Can you write the number before or after? Can you write the number that comes between 2 numbers?

Fun for all SLC 2 children

  • When you go on your daily walk look for signs of Spring all around you. If it is possible can you collect items from your walk to make a spring picture? You can also draw, paint or use chalk to make your picture.
  • Baking is great fun!! What about making chocolate crispie nests with an adult that all of your family can enjoy eating?🧁
  • This is a great time to learn new things!! If you cant already do so then why not learn to tie your own shoelaces?? 😉


Please remember that the activities listed are just a suggestion. It is important that you and your family stay safe and look after one another. I hope you all have a lovely week and the sun continues to shine 🌞

Take care,

Mrs Blaney xx

P1/2 Home Learning Ideas – 20.4.20

Home Learning Tasks P1/2 – 20th April 2020


Hello everyone!

I hope you have managed to enjoy your Easter holidays – we have been very lucky to see so much sunshine! I’m sure you’re settling into being at home a bit more now but it still doesn’t stop me missing you all so much! I have no doubt your people at home are doing a great job at helping you with all your tasks but remember to enjoy your time together as much as you can and don’t put too much pressure on yourselves.  I’ll be posting every Monday on the school website with new ideas for you to work through.

I really hope to see you soon 🙂

Miss Stafford




P1 – Your new sound this week is “ch”. Have a watch of this video exploring “ch” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyrYDitif1o

Can you go around your house on a “ch” hunt? What can you find that has the “ch” sound in it?

Ask your adult to help you think of lots of “ch” words and see if you can underwrite some “ch” words.

Remember to keep practicing your songs and actions through our jolly phonics songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2HYM9VXz9k


P2 – Your new sound this week is: “igh”. Have a watch of this video exploring “igh” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYCR2RZ4ZYY

Have a look in your sounds and words lists booklet to find our list of “igh” words.  Look at your spelling activities grid.  Choose a different activity each day (5 in total) to practice reading and writing your “igh” words.



P1 – Ask your adult to help you to come up with a sentence using at least 1 “ch” words. Try to write write over this sentence or copy the sentence underneath.

Ask your adult to help you underwrite or overwrite a sentence or two about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – remember draw a lovely picture!


P2 – Have a look at your “igh” words in your booklet. Choose 3 of them and use them to write 3 different sentences just like we usually do in class.  Ask an adult to help you with any tricky words.

Write about what you have been up to over your Easter holidays – have you played any board games? Been a walk? Eaten chocolate eggs? Write all about it!



Each child will have been allocated a new book. Remember to practice reading this book more than once – ask your adult to help with any tricky words or to ask you questions about what you have read.  Remember to take your time when answering your bug questions.



P1 – remember to keep practicing writing your numbers up to 10 and counting up to 10 as much as you can.  Try to count out 10 items you can find in your room.


Have a listen to this video and ask an adult to help you use different objects to make up 10.

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock, or use this clock to practice making o’clock: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock


P2 – remember to keep practicing your mental maths by practicing number bonds and simple adding sums. Hit the button is a great way to practice this: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Have a look at your dice addition game – can you challenge someone in your house and see how many sums you can do in 5 minutes?

We were learning all about time when we were in class so ask an adult to help you read a clock in your home to o’clock and half past, or use this clock to practice making o’clock and half past: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock


I have allocated new tasks on Sum Dog for each pupil so log in using the details attached to your home learning packs.


Other Curricular Areas


Mrs Hill has created a grid of ideas for you to work through.


Family Time


We would be exploring our new topic of Pets and Vets in class just now. Choose your favourite animal and ask an adult to help you find 5 facts about this animal. Draw a nice picture of it once you are finished.