All posts by Mrs Blaney

SLC 2 Home learning 22nd June

Hi everyone,

Wow I can’t believe this is the last week of home learning. I am so proud of all of you for working hard and a massive thank you to the people in your house for helping with your school work. I hope you all enjoy a well deserved summer break and the sun shines for all of us!! This week I have done things a little differently and have given you lots of activities to do around the theme of a virtual trip to Edinburgh Zoo. All you have to do is click on the link below and complete as many activities as you wish, (please scroll down to see all of the activities!!). Enjoy your virtual trip!!

Mrs Blaney x

home learning 22nd June

SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s groups 15th June


Wow, I can’t believe this is now our second last week of home schooling!! You have all done amazingly well and I am so proud of each and everyone of you for working so hard!! Here are some new activities that you can try this week.

Mrs Blaney x


  • This week I would like you to look at the ‘ff’ sound. Keep the words that you make to 4 letter words without making them too tricky for the moment. Here are some suggestions; buff, cuff, tiff, off. How many can you make? If you kept the letter cards you made weeks ago then add an extra ‘f’ card and use these to make the words.
  • Remember to use the blank board games to practise your words. These are good to use for reading the words you have made.


  • How are you getting on with the green and yellow words? Remember I only give new words each week for those that need them. Just keep working on the ones you are comfortable with, there is no need to learn them all!! You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. You could ask someone to write the ones you know onto one of the game boards, play the game and read the words. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can!



Green words Yellow words
a    and     he   in   that     of   the is

to   I  it     was

all       have   not     one   she   can

for       be     his     as     new




  • Here is a song you can listen to that has many of the keywords in it.



  • Click on the link below where you will be taken to the BBC Bitesize site. This week we will look at the days of the week. Remember a capital letter comes at the start of each day!


  • Listen to this song and join in.



  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.




Group 1


  • I have added 2 links to activities from BBC bitesize that practise the work you have been doing on counitng in 2’s and 5’s.
  • Use your blank numberline and square grid to copy the work from the worksheets on to so you can complete the work.
  • Please do not print any of the sheets.
  • Do what you can with the work on these links and do not panic if you find any of it tricky.
  • Try using objects in your house to count in 2’s e.g pairs of socks, shoes etc



  • Play the game in the link below. Read the instructions carefully as you can set the number you start counting from and the jumps you count in using the sliders at the side of the game. Try counting in 2’s and 5’s.



Group 2


  • Here is the link to the June calendar I posted last week. Keep working through it each day and try your best.
    1st Level June Calendar (1)


  • Have a go at this game and enter in your own multiplication and division sums so you can see the arrays that it makes for you.


  • You can complete the sums in the following links and play the games. When you are finished you could make up your own sums showing the link between multiplication and division.


  • Do you remember we completed lots of work on odd and even numbers sometime ago now? Here is a fun game to play to remind you of these numbers.


Fun for all

It is such a shame that we have not been able to do Sports Day this year but I thought you might like to plan and have your own Sports Day at home with the people in your house. Get them all involved and have some fun!! Here are some activities you can try with your family.

  • Many large sports events have their own mascot. I would like you to design your own mascot. Here are some pictures to help.


  • Everyone likes to win a medal when they do well at a competition. Can you design your own medal or even make one to present to the winner in your house?


  • What about designing and making a poster to advertise your Sports Day? You could add information like:
  • Day and time
  • Where it’s held
  • Sports that will be played
  • Prizes that will be won

  • Here are some ideas you could use during your Sports Day

sports day


  • When I speak to you next week you can let me know how your Sports Day went. Have fun!!

SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 8th June


Hello everyone and I hope you are all well. I hope the weather improves again so we can all get out in the sunshine. Remember to do what you can and don’t feel any pressure to complete these activities if you are still working on the previous weeks.  

Mrs Blaney x 


  • This week I would like you to look at the ‘ss’ sound. Keep the words that you make to 4 letter words without making them too tricky for the moment. Here are some suggestions; mess, loss, boss, kiss. How many can you make? If you kept the letter cards you made weeks ago then add an extra ‘s’ card and use these to make the words. 
  • Remember to use the blank board games to practise your words. These are good to use for reading the words you have made. 


  • How are you getting on with the green and yellow words? Remember I only give new words each week for those that need them. Just keep working on the ones you are comfortable with, there is no need to learn them all!! You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. You could ask someone to write the ones you know onto one of the game boards, play the game and read the words. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can! 
Green words  Yellow words 
and, a, he, I, in, of, is, it, that, the, to, was  all, for, his, as, have, be, not, can, new 


  • Here is a song you can listen to that has many of the keywords in it. 


  • Click on the link below where you will be taken to the BBC Bitesize site. This week we will look at capital letters and fullstops. Remember a capital letter comes at the start of a sentence and a full stop is at the end. Try the games and have a go at activity 3. Can you draw a picture of a pirate using some of the words you used to describe a pirate? 


  • Now you are a whizz at sentence writing can you try to unscramble the words on page 1 of the following link. Ask an adult to write the words on to pieces of paper so you can move them around to help you make the sentence. 

Activity Sheet

  • Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.  




Group 1 

  • Can you keep practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s? I have added links to songs we enjoy listening to in the class. Use the blank number line too and write the numbers on it as you count up in steps. 


  • Let’s go back and look at adding doubles again. Click on the link below and follow these steps.  
  • Click on summer term – week 1 (w/c 20 April) 
  • Complete lesson 1 
  • You can pause the video so you can do the calculations 
  • Click on ‘Get the activity’ and try to complete as much as possible. Do not try to print the worksheet, you can write it out or just tell your adult the answers. 


  • Do you have dominoes? If so then use these to find the blocks with doubles and calculate the answer. You can also use the other blocks to practise your adding skills. 
  • Play the game in the link below. Watch the shark doesn’t eat you!! 


Group 2 

  • Keep practising all your times tables. Maybe you could practice your tables by playing hopscotchThe ICT games website has lots of multiplication games you can play. 


  • Click on the link below and complete the activities from BBC bitesize. You only need to complete 1 activity each day. 


  • Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games. 
  • Here is another June challenge calendar. We are a week behind but you have plenty of time to catch up. Please do not panic if some days are too difficult (ask an adult to do these ones!!) but I am sure you will manage to complete most of them. 

1st Level June Calendar (1)


  • Complete the worksheets on doubling 2 digit numbers. 



Fun for all 

  • Click on the link and watch the video on making your own outdoor pond. Maybe this is something you could do in your own garden and watch what creatures come to your pond. 

  • This week is Bike week. If you have a bike then take it with you every time your family go on their walk. Remember we were reading the story ‘Flying Fergus’ by Chris Hoy before lockdown? I have attached a link to a website where you can listen to a short part of the story. You could try and design your own super bike just like the one Fergus had in the story? I wonder what magical and clever things your bike could do? 


  • Here is another link to a drawing activity. This time you will learn to draw an ice cream. When you have finished the drawing part you could add your own design to make your ice cream cone look really delicious. 

SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 27th May

Hi everyone,

I am so pleased the lovely weather is back and I hope you enjoyed the long weekend. As it is a short week, I have included a few new activities but also want you to go back to the previous weeks and revise your keywords and sounds. Please get outside this week and enjoy the sunny weather as I think it has to be really warm by the end of the week!!

Miss you all,

Mrs Blaney x



*I haven’t included any new words this week to allow others time to catch up and for some of you to revise. Remember you can use the blank board games to practice the words. Maybe you could play bingo this week or use chalk to draw a hopscotch board in your garden and say the words as you land on a square. Here is a reminder of the words you already have:

Green words                             Yellow

a              in           that                       all

and          of           the                       as

he            is            to                         be

I              it            was                       can


*I have attached a link to a story that my wee boy enjoys listening to. Click on the link and listen.

I would like you to discuss the story with someone in your house and think about all the colours your hair has been over the past weeks (my hair has been a lot of these colours!!) Can you choose 2 colours that you feel your hair has been and write about both of those colours and why you have felt this way. Draw a picture to match what you have written about.


*Remember the David Walliams website has stories you can listen to. Why not listen to a story while you chill out in the sun?



As the weather is going to be lovely this week, I have included some activities that you can complete outside.


*Click on the link below and you will see a copy of a scavenger hunt that you can use in your garden or when on your walk. You do not need to print this; you could ask an adult to copy it on to paper for you.


*When I was a wee girl, I loved to make daisy chains. Can you make your own daisy chains? Here are a few ideas of how you could use them:


-Make chains of set numbers of daisies; 10 daisies and count how many groups of 10 you can make

-Make a chain as long as you can and use it to measure objects in your garden. Can you find things that are longer, shorter or the same length as your daisy chain.

-Challenge a member of your family and see who can make the longest daisy chain in a set amount of time.

-You could use the chains to make numbers and letters



Symmetry outside. Watch the video below and have a go at making your own symmetrical pictures. The video shows using leaves and twigs but you could have a go at making a picture using any objects from your home or garden. (Adults, remember Art Attack??*)

SLC 2 and Mrs Blaney’s group 18th May

What another lovely week of weather although it has been a little colder when I have been out on my walk! I hope everyone is well and well done to all of you on completing your jobs!! Please use the materials in your new pack to complete some of these activities and remember to put the sheets in the clear envelope when writing on top so you can reuse them.
Mrs Blaney x

Please remember that you can still work on the previous weeks activities and only move on to this weeks if you feel you are ready to do so

• This week I would like you to add the sound ‘th’ to the beginning of these middle sounds and see what new words you can make. You could use the blank game board in your pack to write the words on, play the game and read the word as you land on each box. Here are a few examples to get you started; thin, the, that, ,than.


• Keep practising the green words in the list below. Can you continue to practise reading and writing these words when you can? You can use lots of different materials to help you spell (you don’t always need paper and a pencil!!). Try chalk, paint, playdough, stones, beads etc. I have added another 2 yellow words but please do not feel you have to read and write all of these, just do what you can!

Green words
a, in, that, and, of,  the, he, is, to, I, it, was

Yellow words

all, as, be, can

• When we went on our walk this week we found a very creepy tunnel with a shallow river running through it.

I would like you to use your imagination and write a short story about the tunnel.
Here are some ideas for you to think about:
*What does it look like inside?
*Is there a funny smell?
*What can you hear?
*Where does the tunnel take you to?
*What do you see when you come out the other side?

• Remember to log in to Bug Club a few times each week. I can check how many books you are reading and I can give you more books if needed.

Group 1

• Use your blank game board to practise the story of 10 that you have been practising. Ask an adult to write missing number sums in each of the blank squares
e.g. 1+ _ =10, +8=10, 5+=10 when you land on a square then say the number that is missing in the sum.

• These are some of our favourite counting songs. Have a listen and sing along.

• Use the link below to practise counting in 2’s. There are 2 tasks to complete, try your best and just write the answers on your whiteboard

• Use the blank number line in your pack and write numbers from 0-20 in 2’s. Try this with numbers to 50. Ask an adult to write numbers on the number line missing some out that you have to fill in.

• Listen to this counting in 2’s song

Group 2

• Keep practising all your times tables. You can play games if you click on the link below.

• Use the blank game boards to practise your tables. Ask an adult to write sums in the blank spaces on the board and answer the questions when you land on the space.

• Click on the link below and complete the activities on multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. Only complete activity 1 and 2

• Here are some challenges for you. Give challenge 3 and 4 a go but don’t worry if you find them too difficult.

• Remember to log on to Sumdog where you can play lots of maths games.

Fun for all
• We enjoy doing drawing tutorials in class and here is one for you to try at home. Pause the video every few seconds and copy the instructions as you go. Have fun!!

• There are lots of drawing tutorials on youtube. Search for things you are interested in and give it a go. You could try ‘easy how to draw mickey mouse’ or ‘easy how to draw fortnite characters’.
• Can you design your own wacky house using empty toilet roll tubes? You could keep them and make your own model street or town.

• We have all been amazed by Colonel Tom’s achievement of walking 100 laps of his garden whilst raising loads of money for charity. Can you set yourself a challenge by completing 100 of something? You could try; 100 skips, 100 jumping jacks or even 100 runs around your own garden.