Tag Archives: SLC 3

SLC3 explore Electricity at Christmas

On Wednesday 11th December SLC3 visited Dumfries House to explore electricity. We used a battery, switch and wires to make different circuits. We were then able to use this knowledge to create a Christmas decoration that lights up! On the computer we used a coding program to make our bulb light up. Some of us could make it change colour.  At lunchtime we went outside to play.

SLC3 trip to the Cocoa Bean Factory

On Thursday 22nd November, SLC3 travelled up to Glasgow to visit the Cocoa Bean Factory as part of their topic on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The pupils had a brilliant time and were able to make lots of different types of chocolate to take home.  They learned how to make chocolate in different shaped moulds, decorated chocolate bars and made marshmallow men!

Later, the pupils learned about where chocolate comes from and got to touch and grind real cocoa beans.

SLC 3 – No pens Wednesday

We worked with Mr Ross in the morning to explore literacy through drama. We have been learning about the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In the morning, we read about Mike Teavee being transported by a magic television in the factory. We then came up with our own ideas to bring TV adverts to life.

Later in the day, we practiced our spelling words using some active methods. One of our favourites was using the magnetic letters and boards.

Click the link below for more information!