Community Litter Pick

The boys and girls took advantage of the dry spell to complete their community litter pick as part of our ongoing Eco School’s work.  We helped to tidy the park and picnic area in the village.  We were impressed to see that the quantity of litter has reduced since our last activity.

We took a moment to admire the view from Mr Tyson’s bench, kindly donated by the community council.  We tidied around his bench to make it spick and span.

We then returned to school to tidy our own playground.

#Responsible Citizens

Partnership Trio Day

All the pupils from Portpatrick, Leswalt and Kirkcolm came together to get to know one another better today.  A beach clean and a sports day was planned, but due to the weather, we quickly improvised.  The children performed a range of songs to entertain their audience and then played outside together.

The boys and girls were happy to be split into primary groups and mix with their peers from the other two schools.  Each class arranged purposeful activities.  The lower school played true or false ‘get to know you’ questioning, learned and performed an action song and participated in a social P.E game. The upper school engaged in STEM engineering challenges.  They had to work collaboratively to design and build a helicopter using basic materials.  The teams were then tasked with constructing a structure from paper straws that was capable of supporting weight.  The children had many creative ideas to meet the brief.

After lunch, we all walked down to the beach where we created beach art using natural materials.

Throughout the day, the children had the opportunity to mix and form friendships between schools.

Feis Rois Musical Performance

Class two culminated eight weeks of practice by presenting a musical performance to the rest of the school.  They played two traditional Scot’s songs on ukuleles whilst being accompanied by John on the accordion.  The audience enjoyed ‘Wheel of Fortune’ and ‘The Bonnie Ship, The Diamond’. Unfortunately, the video is too large a file to upload but we promise it was a very professional and entertaining event.

#Successful Learners

Runners up at Sandhead fun day

The partnership football team of Portpatrick/Leswalt United finished off the Summer season of fun days on winning form.  Today  they won every game to get through to the final at the Sandhead tournament – against their new trio partnership school of Kirkcolm.

It was a very tense final, with Mrs Baillie being very diplomatic on the sidelines and avoiding showing allegiance to any one of her schools.  At full time the score was 0:0.  The tension was further heightened as it went to a penalty shoot off to decide the winners.  Kirkcolm narrowly won on penalties, but  Portpatrick /Leswalt football team can hold their heads high that they played very well and demonstrated great sportsmanship.  

Runners up Sandhead fun day 2017.

Dunskey Sponsored Walk

The weather was kind to us today as the whole school participated in a sponsored walk at Dunskey Estate.  This was to raise funds for the P.F.A.

P1-2 walked a route from the Tea Room, round by Home Farm and the Game Keeper’s cottage before returning back to the start.  P3-6 walked a longer distance appropriate to their age via Glen Lodge.  Mr Orr-Ewing popped out to say hello as we walked by Dunskey House.

The children had a chance to enjoy playing in the maze before returning to school.

Thank you to the parents who gave their time to organise the walk, transport and supervise the children.  Thank you also to Mr & Mrs Orr-Ewing for granting us permission to walk on the estate.

Portpatrick Sports Day

Our annual school sports day was well attended by friends and family today.  Luckily, the weather was kind to us.  The boys and girls enjoyed a great range of sporting challenges from egg & spoon to distance sprints.  The children demonstrated a great attitude of sportsmanship and encouragement towards one another throughout the afternoon. The parents were keen to have a go and were ‘good eggs’; joining  in our obstacle races.  There are rumours of a steward’s enquiry over conduct on the Daddies race, however 😉  Results will be communicated as soon as possible.

Effective contributors – Confident Individuals

Thank you Jean!

Portpatrick Primary would like to say thank you very much to Jean Rankin.  Jean recently did a 10 mile sponsored walk in aid of school funds (for the “carpet fund”).  Today she popped into school to had over a big cheque for £370.  Jean has also kindly organised for all pupils to have an ice cream after sports day – and has paid for that herself.

Many thanks Jean  for thinking of us at Portpatrick Primary, it was very kind of you!

Dumfries House Trip

On Friday 9th of June, the whole school set off for a day of learning and fun at Dumfries House in Cumnock.  We were joined on our journey by P5-7 from Leswalt Primary.  On arrival, the groups split off to participate in different activities.  P1-4 went on a bug hunt, exploring creatures in the habitats around them.  The children helped to construct a ‘bug hotel’ and visited the garden area to pot plants of their own.  P5-6 explored the conditions plants need to grow.  They then moved on to plant rapeseed in pots in the potting shed.  The pupils also considered what materials are biodegradable before creating their own compost gardens in a bottle to take home.

Both schools came back together to have free time in the adventure playground.  The boys and girls then enjoyed an ice-cream before returning journey.

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