Digital Leaders Get Into The Christmas Spirit

Our digital leaders from across our partnership held an online meeting via Teams today.  We came together to create a Christmas trivia quiz for pupils to enjoy.  This provided a theme for us to learn how to use Microsoft Forms.

Our Digital Leaders used our Higher Order Thinking Skills to work collaboratively on a shared ‘form’ online.  The children had to remember and understand how to access and design questions using the software. They also used their applying and creativity skills to select and insert appropriate images and themes to present the quiz in an appealing way for the user.  In addition, they had to analyse and evaluate the functionality of the quiz.  For example, they had to set up the software to automatically mark the quiz to give the user feedback and a game score for their results.

Why not click or scan here to play the quiz for yourself!







The next day, our leaders supported their classmates in designing and sharing their own quizzes.

Thank you to Alexander, Hamish, Danny, Havana, Cameron and Conor for working hard on this.

# Successful Learners

Christmas Fayre In Full Swing!

What a great day!

There was a fabulous turn out for our Enterprise Elves today at Portpatrick Christmas Market. We were supported by pupils (both current and past), friends, families, neighbours and visitors.

Our wonderful volunteers were Katie, Tilly, Lewis, Jack, Max & Lacey, supported by Ruby too.  Mrs Henry, Miss Lammie, Kim, Suzie and Tracy were also on hand. The adults stood back and let the kids take charge of the show; which they did with aplomb.  They managed customer service with good grace, manners and smiles.  There was even a wee bit of up-selling on show.  😉

Our lucky dip quickly sold out and our sweet treats went like ‘hot cakes’.  Our customers were very complimentary on the Christmas crafts on sale and were so kind and generous.  We thank you all.

Scott and his Dad added to the Christmas cheer as Winter Wonderland Snowmen.

We spent the next day in school calculating how much money we had taking, deducting our expenditure to work out our profit from both this event and from our recent sale of hand designed Christmas cards.  With additional kind donations from customers and Mr Jim McKie along with our sales, we have made a profit of £279.52!

This will bring our Christmas enterprise project to a successful close.  Thank you to everyone who supported us!

# Effective Contributors & Confident Individuals

The Enterprise Elves Are Ready!

After a last minute flurry of activity, we are pleased to announce that our Enterprise Elves have completed making their crafts ready for Portpatrick Christmas Fayre on Sunday, starting at 3pm

In true real-life work style, we had a production line set up with packaging, quality control and checking taking place to make sure our products are market ready.

It’s been a real community effort making all our wonderful products.  Our thanks to Mrs Copeland for sewing and printing with the children, to Brian McColm for his homemade tablet and to Barbara for helping put the finishing touches to our hand made gift bags.  Mrs Henry and Kim have been busy contributing too. Tracy Rankin and Catherine Buchanan have kindly organised a lucky dip with LOTS of prizes to help raise funds, ably helped by an army of ‘wrapper uppers’. There is even mint aero fudge to look forward to from Miss Lammie!

We have used social media to advertise our photo catalogue of products as part of marketing to hopefully encourage people to come along and buy our products.

Have a look at our  products  for sale.  They are guaranteed to bring Christmas cheer to your home AND your tum!

Please come along and support our fund raising if you can.  Thank you.


Ho, Ho, Ho!

Are You Ready For Portpatrick Craft Fayre?

It’s all things Christmas at Portpatrick Primary as the children prepare for our village craft fayre this weekend.  The boys and girls have been busy little elves making lots of decorations, crafts and sweet treats.

This enterprise project has linked lots of inter-disciplinary learning across our curriculum. Maths and Language have been appplied as we read and used instruction texts in recipes.  We calculated ratios to change recipe proportions, weigh ingredients and calculate cost & profit margins. Food technology and hygienic practices have been adhered to as well.  In addition, we have developed CDT (Craft, Design and Technology) and Digital Technology skills as we constructed and used spreadsheets to automatically work out cost and profit.

As if that’s not enough, our boys and girls have been developing the skills for life, learning and work through collaboration to plan products ideas, analyse the feasibility of those products, consider cost and profit margins as well as designing company logos and advertising posters.  Team work has been the order of the day! We certainly have a few entrepreneurs in the making.

We are still busy putting the finishing touches to everything.  We won’t reveal our final range of products just yet as we would love you to come along and see our merchandise for yourself.  All profits will go to supporting our children at our lovely wee school.

We hope to see you there!

# Successful Learners




Book Week Scotland Reading Fun

This week saw us celebrate all things books as part of Book Week Scotland. The week was kicked off last Friday with our visit from author Renita Boyle. We then had P1-3 parents into school on Tuesday as part of the gifting of our Bookbug/Read, Write, Count bags.

Our Pupil Council then planned a book swap, after which everyone curled up in class with a hot chocolate and marshmallows to enjoy their new books.

We held a competition to design a book cover for our favourite books.  The standard of artwork was very high.  Portpatrick Community council kindly donated book tokens for prizes to keep our avid readers devouring those books.  Our winners are as follows:

P5 – 7: Conor                                        P1 – 4: Adam







Adam - Delighted With His Prize







To round off the week, pupils were able to come into school dressed as their favourite book character on Children in Need day, in return for a small donation to the charity.

Portpatrick Celebrates Pudsey Day!

Pupils rolled out of bed and straight into school today wearing their PJs for Pudsey day. Some creative pupils also came dressed as their favourite book character, since this was also Book Week Scotland – we had Horrid Henry, Willy Wonka, Charlie Bucket and Hermione Granger to name a few.

To help raise further funds, Jenny Ribchester very kindly gave up her time to come in and do some face painting. By the end of break, we had unicorns, Pudsey and Blush bears, and Spiderman running around the school!! We sold Pudsey ears and pin badges in the hall, and pupils also got to decorate biscuits for a small donation to the very worthwhile charity.

We raised £75 in total – a fabulous amount for a small school! Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Polar Explorers Talk

Today we were visited by three pupils of Stranraer Academy who came to tell us about their recent expedition to Greenland.  Innes, our former pupil, and his friends told us all about their adventures.  20 young people undertook demanding physical training in preparation for their trip. Whilst there, they camped out in tents in temperatures as low as -20 Degrees.

They only had one outfit of clothes for the whole time, which they say got a bit wiffy after a while.  That trial was worth it as they experienced skiing, huskey sledging and even a helicopter ride.

They encourage other children to think of applying for this opportunity when the time comes when our boys and girls are aged 14+.


Glasgow Science Centre On Tour – Future Fuels

Megan and Aileen from the Glasgow Science Centre travelled from Glasgow to tour schools in our area for a Future Fuels roadshow.  Today was our turn for Primary 4 – 7 to participate.  We were selected as we have participated in a block of online learning on Future Fuels provided by the Glasgow Science Centre.  The workshop’s aim is to educate on sustainable sources of energy for Scotland and the world.

We brainstormed different forms of non-renewable and renewable forms of energy.  Carter was able to say that there are three forms of fossil fuels – coal, oil and gas.  Rebecca said we need to burn them to release their energy and Katie said this releases carbon into our atmosphere, which is bad for the environment.

Aileen demonstrated an experiment where she lit methanol, which is used in Formula 1 racing cars.  It burned blue with a low flame.  She then poured a small amount into a large water container, coating and turning to convert the small amount of liquid into a gas.  She then dropped a lit taper into the drum which exploded the gas with a loud bang.  This certainly delighted our audience.  We looked an animation of pistons moving in a car using the same process to drive engines (suck- squeeze- bang – blow).

Next, we moved on to look at solar energy as a power source.  We even learned about a new solar powered plane that has already travelled 56,000 miles.  Unfortunately, due to the restrictions of sunlight, it has taken 505 days to travel that distance.  So, it’s not quite ready for our holiday flights abroad just yet.

Aileen discussed how we need to use batteries to store the surplus energy so we can use it when the energy source is not available.  We looked at new houses with large battery banks powered by solar panels.  Lewis said his new house is going to have batteries fitted to store the solar energy they collect.

After that, we focussed on hydrogen power stations that split H2O to free up the hydrogen as a clean source of energy.  Lewis had the tough job of turning a handle repeatedly to separate hydrogen from water.  Once he was in the green zone, having split enough, we were able to ignite the hydrogen to create a big push (with a big bang too!).

We learned how nuclear fusion is a more environmentally friendly form of nuclear fuel. Unlike fission, this doesn’t create radioactive waste or require mining for uranium. In essence, two hydrogen are smooshed together to release lots of energy.  Atticus demonstrated the chain reaction using a mousetrap ping pong maze.

Megan demonstrated how to use the interactive Future Fuels exhibits that were displayed around the hall before the children experienced them for themselves.  The boys and girls were so enthusiastic and motivated to engage with the activities.  Atticus said, “It’s really fun learning about science and having a go at the different activities.”  Tilly said, “It’s fun and it shows a lot about how to use renewable energy properly for our planet.”  Cameron said he would like a job in science as he likes learning about the different ways we can make fuel and getting to do things with his hands.

Thank you so much to Aileen and Megan for providing this fantastic experience!

# Successful Learners



Book Week Bags for P1-3

As part of our Book Week Scotland celebrations, parents were invited into school today to see P1-3 pupils being presented with their Bookbug (P1) and Read, Write, Count (P2-3) bags.

This initiative, ran by the Scottish Book Trust and Scottish Government, sees every P1-3 child receive a free bag which contains beautiful books, educational games and writing materials. The bags are designed to help build parents’ confidence and encourage families to include easy and fun reading, writing and counting activities into their everyday lives.

After being gifted with their bags, pupils then spent some time in class exploring the contents – P1s curled up to listen to some stories; there was lots of laughter from the group who were running around trying to find items that matched the adjective cards; and the boys enjoyed using their measuring tapes to find items that were longer/shorter than a given length.

We hope you all enjoy exploring the contents of the bag with your child at home!

Funky Folka & Fables

Well-known author and storyteller Renita Boyle visited the pupils at Portpatrick this afternoon, as part of the ‘Big DoG Schools Tour’, organised by Wigtown Book Festival. And what an afternoon it was – they were thoroughly entertained!!

Renita instantly captured the pupils’ attention with her interactive songs and stories. Her enthusiasm was contagious and pupils were on their feet and joining in throughout.

They sang ‘The Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly’; joined in with an alternative version of the Three Little Pigs; learned Makaton to accompany the story of the hare; and participated in the retelling of Renita’s own book ‘Honk! Honk! Rattle! Rattle!’

Renita very kindly gave each pupil a signed copy of her book to take home and enjoy.

We had a fantastic afternoon – many thanks to Renita and to Wigtown Book Festival for funding this. We are looking forward to some more fun activities next week as part of our Book Week Scotland celebrations.

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