Mean Icicles

Hope everyone is well.

Anyone bored, please see my post from yesterday.

Here’s another one for you. We’ve been learning about mean, median and mode in mathematics. Yesterday, I spotted these beauties hanging from a gutter: icicles! I carefully counted and measured them using technology (it was too cold and dangerous otherwise) and found the following lengths:

{23cm, 40cm, 25cm, 28cm, 44cm, 25cm, 32cm, 34cm, 30cm, 28cm, 32cm, 49cm, 37cm, 25cm}


  1. the mean length of icicle in cm.
  2. the median icicle length, in cm.
  3. and find the mode.

We’ve also been working on the internal angles of polygons and so far have found out pentagons and hexagons. Find out more.

Alternatively, find three dice and have a game of Yahtze, or teach someone how to play it.

Hope everyone is well in these adverse conditions.

Best wishes,

Mr A

Another Snow Day

School is closed again today. I hope everyone is safe in this cold weather.

Things to do other than destroy your brains with devices or TV:

  • Go out and play in the snow, this may be the most you’ll see in your childhood (make sure you tell whoever is looking after you and are prepared for the weather)
  • Read
  • Write about your day off (any P7s who have written a blog post, and have their password, should write it up on this blog and I’ll post it)
  • Do some iXL maths (see homework link at the side)
  • Do some Spelling City (as above)
  • Find out more about our topic, history: GD Alfred the Great, DS King Canute, EA Edward the Confessor, JF William the Conqueror, MB Henry I, AC Richard I, DN Edward I, ChR Richard III, HM Henry VIII, LO Mary I, AM Elizabeth I, BO James VI & I, HA Charles II, RL Victoria and ON Elizabeth II.
  • Commit all of the dates on the sheet of Kings and Queens to memory, in preparation for your quiz next week
  • Draw, paint or create something
  • and anything else that requires thought, concentration and effort.

Bring any work in to present, like you do after holidays.

Best wishes and stay safe,

Mr A

Holiday Homework

Here are some ideas for Holiday Homework for the next two weeks:

  • Science experiment (ask for permission first!)
  • Art work
  • Keep a diary of what you do in the holidays (if you take a special jotter, 5 page minimum)
  • Make a movie
  • Shark Fact File
  • Build a bridge
  • Learn a tune on the tin whistle
  • Design or weave or embroider a pattern
  • Random jazz (something about anything, anything about something)
  • iXL challenge (blue gem for every 100 hundred questions)

French: self introduction, days of the week and months.

The librarian’s have set a story writing competition for over the break: the story should be over 50 words and for the P1s they can draw a story.

The P7s can enter the Operation Safety logo design competition.

Finally, of course you can do none of the above and get on with life.

Have a great break,

Mr A

Summer Holiday




So long!

Another session complete and another cohort of P7s depart for secondary school. Good luck, you’ll all be missed.

Holiday homework suggestions:

  • Following on from our Tweety Pi Project have a go at more coding with Hour of Code.
  • Some members of the class wanted to practise division, here are some examples.
  • Do your own take on one of Vivaldi’s Four Season movements.
  • Keep a holiday diary
  • Keep a holiday dairy (one for the farmers)
  • Do a nature study
  • Book review
  • Something of your own idea

Many pupils chose books to read and I would encourage you all to read as much as you can over the summer. There is also a Summer Reading Challenge. You can get involved with this at your local library in Annan, I think.

For getting the lads reading, here is some advice. If you can find an author or genre that you like then that can be a good place to start. Here is a site that allows you to an advanced search which allows you to specify for example:

Which gives a list of 272 books which I have attached here ar bookfinder report.

Have a great break and I look forward to seeing you in August.

Best wishes,

Mr A


Holiday Homework

What a term it’s been at Brydekirk and we are all ready for a break before the final term.

Here are some ideas for holiday homework, that P5-7 came up with, for anyone interested or at a loose end:

  • Mini Science Project
  • Take RME Values lessons and do another example
  • work on the iXL challenge
  • write a newspaper article
  • make a presentation
  • make a piece of art
  • write your own verse’s of Claire’s “Oh Aye!” song
  • practice Duolingo
  • do something about anything
  • or anything about something

Have a good holiday!

Mr A

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