Tag Archives: Signal Tower

Visiting the Signal Tower Museum

The Superstars visited the Signal Tower Museum in Arbroath on Friday as part of their topic on lighthouses.

The buildings where the museum is now housed used to be the accommodation for the lighhouse keepers of the Bell Rock. They lived there when they were on shore, with their families.

The museum was recently refurbished and was officially opened again last month by Princess Anne.

We were shown around the museum by Eileen and she told us lots of facts about the Bell Rock and told us more about the artefacts on display. We were also able to watch a film about the construction of the Bell Rock. We would like to say a big thank you to Eileen for making it such an interesting visit.

Click here to be taken to Signal Tower website. They now have a webcam which you can move about to look at the lighthouse and the harbour!

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