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Learn about the Discovery
Would you like to learn some interesting facts about the Discovery ship?
Click here.
You will probably have to turn your computer volume fully up to hear the comments.
Under the Sea Dance
Here are some of the highlights of the "Under the Sea" dance we have been learning with Miss Brymer in PE on Fridays. Perhaps the children can teach you some of their moves!
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Our visit to the Discovery
Today we visited the Discovery ship in Dundee to find out more about Captain Scott's first expedition to the Antarctic. We were given a guided tour around the ship where we found out lots of interesting facts. We were able to look closely at the living quarters of the crew.
Then we took part in a workshop where we were able to compare the clothes that Scott would have worn in the Antarctic to clothes that explorers would wear now. This was great fun as we got to dress up!
After lunch, we looked around the visitor centre. Some of us went into the theatre to watch a short film. We had a brilliant day out. A big thank you to all the staff at Discovery Point.
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Scott’s First Journey
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Today Mrs Stewart told us the thrilling story of Scott's first journey to Antarctica, aboard the Discovery. We looked at this powerpoint she had made. Some of us wondered why all the pictures were in black and white!
We started to illustrate slides for our own powerpoint. Some children worked on recording their voices on the computer for a Voicethread about the Discovery. We will post this once it is finished.
This website has a lot of interesting pictures:
We are really looking forward to our visit to the Discovery in Dundee tomorrow!
Hot and Cold Trees
We chose if we wanted to paint our backround in hot or cold colours. We then had to use the opposite colours to collage our trees with tissue paper. We applied a thin layer of glue over the trees to make them look shiny. We think they look great.
Our prayers
We have been reading the Christian creation story in RME with Mrs Smith.
This week we wrote some prayers for the things in our lives for which we are thankful. Here are a few for you to read.
Thank you God for the rain,
Thank you God for making the park,
Thank you God for the sunshine,
Thank you God for making Guinea pigs.
by Cally
Thank you God for the shining stars,
Thank you for the living creatures,
Thank you for the water creatures,
Thank you for the popstars.
by James
Thank you God for the food,
Thankyou for the flowers,
Thank you for the sunshine and the rain,
Thank you for our mums and dads
Thank you God for the toys that make us happy,
Thankyou for the stars,
Thankyou for the beach.
by Taylor
Thank you God for the sun,
Thank you God for the plants,
Thank you God for rain to grow plants,
Thank you God for the beautiful houses,
Thank you God for happiness in our homes and the streets,
Thank you God for our wonderful world.
by Chloe
Our Allotment
The P3S Superstars and the children from Mrs Finlayson’s room have taken on an allotment over beside the Saltire Sports Centre.
Now that the weather has improved a wee bit, we are hoping to begin working on it to start getting it ready for lots of planting. Mrs Finlayson has enlisted the help of some students from Angus College to help get it ready. They are going to build some raised beds to make it a bit easier for the children to work in.
We will be using this as a focus for our project in the last term. Keep checking back for news!
Superstars 28.1.11
Maths Patterns
This week we have been talking about patterns in maths. We have looked at shape patterns, shape and colour patterns and number patterns.
Today we worked in groups of four. With a partner we had to make up a number pattern and then swap with the other pair in our group. We then had to add the next two numbers to the pattern and describe the rule we had used to find the numbers.
Mrs Stewart came around to listen to all the groups and thought that there were some really interesting conversations about number going on between us all.
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